Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/618

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590 THIRTY-·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 64, 65, 69, 70. 1864. July ly 1864- [No. 64.] A Resolution providing for A¢#ustmentof the Accounts ofHemy W. Diman. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the amounting officers of » Accounts of the treasury be, and they are hereby, directed to adjust the accounts of

 of Henry W. Diman, late acting assistant paymaster in the navy, (whose

jams, books and papers were sunk and lost in the transport steamer “Whitman " iu July, anno Domini, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in the Mississippi River,) according to the principles of equity and justice. Approved, July 1, 1864. J I 1 1864. [No. 65.] A Resolulionjbr the Relief of Carlisle Doble.

!J—— Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General be, and he hereby is, authorized to examine and adjust the claim of _ Claim of Cnr- Carlisle Doble for carrying the mails between Taylor’s Falls, Minnesota,

l$yg]°;l;§gail and Superior, Wiuoonsin, from April to November, eighteen hundred and

to be adjusted.fifty-seven, and to pay to the said Carlisle Doble such sum of money as shall be found to be justly and equitably due to him for carrying the mails as aforesaid ; and the sum thus tbund due shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved. July 1, 1864. [No. 69.] Joint Resolution authorizing the Settlement of the Accounts of the late Captain July 2, 1854. Daniel Hebard, oflhe United States Volunteers, and of other Officers. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives zy" the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the settlement of the Accounts of accounts of the late Captain Daniel Hebard, of the United States volun- Dmel H€,md_ teers, an assistant adjutant-general on the staff of General Gorman, the William M. Este, Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to allow and pay for $‘dZM$`}j)“;§llull the whole time said officer was actually employed and on duty in the w'b,,',,,m,,d_ military service of the United States, whether before or after the date of his commission. And that the like princi le of allowance and pa ment be observed in the settlement of the accounls of Major William MJ Este, and Captain Maxwell V. Z. Woodhull, aides-de-camp on the stall? of Major-General Robert C. Schenck from the twenty-second day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, when they entered upon their duties on the staff of the commanding general of the middle department and eighth army corps, until the date when they respectivelyueceived and accepted their commissions as aides-de-camp, deducting only from the pay and allowances of Major Este, what he received in any part of that time as a lieutenant of the twenty-sixth regiment of Ohio volunteer infantry. Approved, July 2, 1864. N . . o`nt ol fon to le and the A` n n ., J¤1y2.1¤<¤4- [ ° 70] Ji M IQEGMZZZM .y¤l`Z“itirt,s°.?d$n? Zimgihml PM"' '”’M'”°"" Resolved by the Senate and Houseqf Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper officers of the treasury are hereby authorized and directed to settle and pay the balance due Accounts of to John S. Phelps, of Missouri, as a member of the thirty-seventh con- ‘ggl:;,gé§_h°lp°t° gress, for salary and mileage, deducting any amount which he may have received thereon, or which he may have received as military governor of Arkansas; and the sum sudicient to pa the same be, and is `hereby, appropriated out of any money in the tregsury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 2, 1864.