Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/657

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TREATY WITH THE KICKAPOO INDIANS. JUNE 28, 1862. 629 Article 2, lines 1 and 2, strike out “Agent of the United States for said SBE P*§° 15- tribe to take," and insert in lieu thereof: Secretary of the Interior to cause to be made. Article 3, lines 12,13, and 14, strike out the following: " paid to them, in cash or in the bonds of the Qnited States," and insert in See page 16- lieu thereof: set apart and placed to their credit severally. Article 4, line 39, strike out the words " at the cost of the United See page 16· States." At the end of article 4 insert: deducting therefrom the necessary expenses of their removal. Article 5, line 34, after the word " lands " insert: within sixty days thereafter, and shall make, execute, and deliver to the Secretary ¢y" the Interior the bonds of the said company in a penal sum equal to double the value of said surplus lands See page 17. as heretofore ascertained, with the condition that the said bonds shall become void whenever the said company shall comply with the conditions of the treaty. Article 5, line 39, strike out " title and " and insert: the right yl Article 6, line 11, strike out " shall ” and insert: may. See page 18- " " lines 12, 13, and 14, strike out the words " and shall cease to be binding on either of the parties hereto,” and insert: the Secretary of the Interior shall so determine. " " line 57, after the word " same " insert: not including improvements. " " line 72, after " payment " strike out “ of"’ and insert: to the United States in trust for said [Gclcapoos of the appraised value thereof ( exclusive of their improvements) and not less than. Strike out Article 7. See pages 18,19. Strike out Article 8. Strike out Article 9. Article 10, lines 11 and 12, strike out " six months from the date of this instrument," and insert in lieu thereof: one year from the ratification of this treaty. See page 19. Article 11, lines 13, 14, and 15, strike out " the Secretary of the Interior shall determine to be just and equitable for the benefit of the Kickapoos," and insert in lieu thereof: may be pro- See page 19- vided Zn; law. Strike out Article 12. See page 19. Article 13, line 7, after “United States " insert: out of the proceeds ' of the sales if said lands. See page 19. " " lines 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, strike out the following words: " and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Interior, shall, from ti_me to time, and as promptly as practicable, adopt such measures and institute all such proceedings as may be necessary and not otherwise provided for in order to the full execution of all and every part of this treaty." Attest: J. W. FORNEY, Secretary. And whereas the foregoing amendment having been fully interpreted and Amgndmgnt explained to the hereinafter named chiefs, headmen, and delegates of ¤SS¤¤¥€d¤<>· the Kickapoo Tribe of Indians, they did, on the fifth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, give their free and voluntary assent to the same, in the words and figures following, to wit: And whereas the foregoing amendments have been submitted and fully interpreted to the undersigned, chiefs, delegates, and headmen of the Kickapoo nation, and we, being thereunto duly authorized, do hereby, for and on behalf of said nation, agree to and ratify the said treaty and the amendments thereto as above set forth. 53 *