Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/68

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40 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 48. 1864. S¤p¤¤·i¤t¤¤- afairs for said superintendency, at a salary of three thousand six hun. g:;;; Sym;}:;, dred dollars per annum, who shall reside at a point within said state, to olncel be selected by the Secretary of the Interior, and who, lupon executing g, bond, upon such terms and such sum as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and taking the usual oath of office, shall have under his control and management, in like manner and subject to like rules and regulations as are prescribed for superintendents of other superintendencies, the Indians and Indian reservations that are or may herealier be established in said state : Provided, That the superintendent shall be Ul¢fl<» ¤¤l¤U’· authorized to appoint a clerk, at a compensation not to exceed eighteen hundred dollars per annum. _ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be set apart by the ti0£;‘l;;“CQ:f;;;a‘ President, and at his discretion, not exceeding four tracts of land. within ui, the limits of said state, to be retained by the United States for the purposes of Indian reservations, which shall be of suitable extent for the Iecation. accommodation of the Indians of said state, and shall be located as remote from white settlements as may be found practicable, having due regard to Pwvim their adaptation to the purposes for which they are intended: Praznded, i That at least one of said tracts shall be located in what has heretofore been known as the northern district: And provided, further, That if it shall be found impracticable to establish the reservations herein conteni- Improvements plated without embracing improvements made within their limits by white

 m°l*ul;?;;°§S persons lawfully there, the Secretary of the Interior is- hereby authorized

nm,. ,;,,,,0,,,,,e ’ and empowered to contract for the purchase of such improvements, at a Congress. price not exceeding a fair valuation thereof, to be made under his direction. But no such contract shall be valid, nor any money paid thereon, until, upon a report of said contract and of said valuation to Congress, the same shall be approved and the money appropriated by law for that pur- 1‘r¤cts_msiy or pose: And provided, further, That said tracts to be set apart as aforesaid m")' "°* “{“l‘{d° may, or may not, as in the discretion of the President may be deemed for present reserw u.- _ , . . . tions. the best interests of the Indians to be provided lor, include any of the Indian reservations heretofore set apart in said state, and that in case any such reservation is so included, the same may be enlarged to such an extent as in the opinion of the President may be necessary, in order to its complete adaptation to the purposes for which it is intended. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the several Indian reservations Reservations in California which shall not be retained for the purposes of Indian reser- “°F *°“‘l“°d“’ b° vations under the provisions of the preceding section of this act, shall, by survcved and . . . . ,,%,,,3 go, Sai, the commissioner of the general land-oflice, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, be surveyed into lots or parcels of suitable size, and as far as practicable in conformity to the surveys of the public lands, which said lots' shall, under his direction, be appraised by disinterested persons at their cash value, and shall thereupon, after due udvertiseinenl, as now provided by law in case of other public lands, be offered for sale at public outcry, and thence afterward shall be held subject to sale at private entry, according to such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior Minimum prim may prescribe: Provided, That no lot shall be disposed of at less than the appraised value, nor at less than one dollar and twenty-five cents per S,,],,,},,,,,, con- acre: And provided, further, That said sale shall be conducted by the ducted. register and receiver of the land-oflice in the district in which such reser— vation or reservations may be situated, in accordance with the instructions of the department regulating the sale oi' public lands. Sec. 4. And be it fur/her enacted, That the President of the United Agent {0,- each States be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and cou- ¤¤¢fV¤*-i<>¤- sent of the Senate, to appoint an Indian agent. for each of the reservations which shall be established under the provisions of this act, which said pgsgdencci du. agent shall reside upon the reservation for which he shall be appointed, in- and shall discharge all the duties now or hereafter to be required of Indian agents by law, or by rules and regulations adopted, or to bo