Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/71

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 50. 1864. 43 wilfully destroy, or in anywise injure the mains, pipes, apparatus, or t_ W?l;`*£‘_?l';jf';';)° other works, property, or appurtenances belonging to and used by said l;;;;; &cl,l{0w company in manufkwturing gas or in furnishing the same to consumers punished. thereof, the person or persons so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit: and pay to the said company the sum of five dollars, and shall, iu addition t0_ said penalty, remain liable to said company for any loss or damage occasioned by the offence. Sec. 10. And be it jim/wr enacted, That the said company is hereby- incorporated upon the express conditions that it shall furnish gas to all Quality and the consumers thereof containing fifty per centum more illuminating p"°° °f gw power than that which is now furnished by the “Washington Gas-light Company," and at a cost not exceeding two dollars and filly cents per _ thousand cubic feet; and a failure to comply with these conditions shall F°’f°““*°· operate as a forfeiture of this charter. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall not Company not be authorized to sell gas until it shall have produced to the mayor of the Ecseu g“ ““°'l· city of Wasliington and to the Secretary of the Interior satisfactory evi- ` dence that it has laid down, in a proper and, workmanlike manner, in the avenues and streets of ihe said city, gas mains of an average diameter of at least six inches and a total length of not less than twenty-five miles; nor shall the said company connect its gas mains with the pipes supplying the capitol and other public buildings belonging to the United States, or sell gas, until it shall have produced to the Secretary of the Interior satisfactory evidence that it has erected and in operation good and substantial works and holders capable of manufacturing and storing a quantity of gas, of the quality aforesaid, sufficiem: to supply the consumption at all times required in the capitol and public buildings aforesaid. And unless Pipes to be the said company shall have complied with the requirements and condi- laid T'd&"?’l1“ tions in this section prescribed within two years from the passage of this gzggete m W° act, the said act shall be null and void: Provided, however, That said proviso, company shall have the privilege, at any time within the said two years, of lighting with the gas manufactured by it some one street a. distance not exceeding one mile. Sec. 12. And be it furiher enacted, That each of the stockholders in Sfgqkhgldgrg the ‘• Union Gas-light Company ” of the District of Columbia shall be held Uldividuauy liable in his or her individual capacity for all the debts and liabilities of h°`m°' the said company, however contracted or incurred, to be recovered by suit as other debts or liabilities, before the court or tribunal having jurisdiction of the case. Sec. 13. And 6e it further enacted, That this act may at any time be Ae: may be slaltered, amended, or repealed by the Congress of the United States. *"°d °" “’P°“l*’d· Ar·1>R0vm>, April 8, 1864. CHAP. L. —An Act to fncorporale frovfdence Hvspital of the C1Y_y of Washiragton, Dis- April 8, 1854. uct of Calumbuz. __`; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Mc Mzited States of America in Congress assembled, That Lucy Gwynn, Teresa Providence Angela Costello, Sarah McDonald, Mary E. Spalding, and Mary Carroll, h°SPi***l i¤¤°’· and` their successors in office, are hereby made, declared, and constituted p°mt°d` a corporation and body politic, in law and in fact, under the name and N¤¤¤¤· style of the directors of Providence Hospital, and by that name they shall be and are hereby made capable in law to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, in any court within the county of \Vashington, in the District of Columbia; to have and use a common seal, and to alter or Powers. amend the same at pleasure; to have, purchase, receive, possess, and enjoy, any estate in lands, tenements, annuities, goods, chattels, moneys, or effects, and to grant, devise, or dispose of the same in such manner as they may deem most for the interest of the hospital: Provided, That the