Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/73

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 52. 1864. 45 oaths and adirmations in all matters incident or belonging to the duties of his o{1"ice,and to take afiidavits to be used before any court, judge, or otiicer within this district. Sec. 6. And be it fur/ber enacted, That each notary public shall keep _Rccm~d: Cera fair record of all his official acts, except such as are mentioned in the Mad “°P'“‘ filth section of this act; and when required shall give a certified copy of any record in his office I0 any person, upon payment of the Fees therefor. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That each notary public, before Notarialseal. he acts as such, shall provide a notarial seal, with which he shall authenticate all his official acts, which seal, together with his records and official To be exernvt documents, shall not be liable to be seized on by any execution. He Mm °X°°°lm°°° shall deposit an impression of his official seal in the office of the clerk of the supreme court of said district. Size. 8. And be it jltrl/zer enacted, That on the death, resignation, or Recmdsgn cass removal from office of any notary public, his records, together with all his of death, resignaofficial papers, shall be deposited in the offioe of the clerk of the supreme U°“> S"' court of said district. Sec. 9. And he it further enacted, That the original protest ofa notary grgggmi pm. public, under his hand and official seal, of any bill of exchange or prom- tra? *0 i;·2·j¤?)f issory note For nomacceptance or non-payment, stating the presentment jt;lé€h`u:m°_ by him of such bill of exchange or note for acceptance or payment, uml iu. the nomacceptance or non-payment thereof; and the service of notice on any or all of the parties to such bill of exchange or promissory note, and specifying the mode of giving such notice, and the reputed place of residence of the party to whom the same was given, and the post-office nearest thereto, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein. The certificate of a notary public, under his hand and seal of office, Certigcm, to drawn from his record, stating the protest and the fhcts therein recorded, béliké ¤\’i<i8¤¤6· shall be evidence of the facts in like manner as the original protest. Sec. 10. And be it fur!/zcr enacted, That the fees of notaries public Feesofuomdm shall be as follows: For each certificate and seal, fifty cents; taking public. depositions or other writings, for each one hundred words, ten cents; administering an oath, tifleen cents; taking acknowledgment of a deed or power of attorney, with certificate thereof, fifty cents; every protest of a bill of exchange or promissory note, and recording the same, one dollar and seventy-five cents; each notice of protest, ten cents; each demand for acceptance or payment, if accepted or paid, one dollar, to be paid by the party accepting or paying the same; each noting of protest, one dollar. And any notary public who shall take a higher fee than is pre- Penalty fm, scribed by this act shall pay a fine of one hundred dollars and be re- taking higher moved from office by the said supreme court. f°°$· Srcc. 11. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts Repcmng inconsistent with this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. clause- Amutovisn, April 8, 1864. Cmm. LH. ——An Act to authorize the Columbia Institution jbr the Deaf and Dumb and April, 3, ]864_ the B/ind to confer Degrees. —;·*·——-· · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative; of the (Ended States of America in Congress assembled, That the board of directors of Columbia. Iu·

 the Columbia Institution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb and $‘l*‘!*l°" R"' the

. . deaf and dumb s the blind be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to grant and and the blind

conhrm such degrees in the liberal arts and sciences to such pupils of the may wnfvr deinstitution, 6r others, who, by their proficiency in learning or other meri- grew
 torious distinction they shall think entitled to them, as are usually

g granted and conferred in colleges; and to grant to such graduates diplo-

mas or certificates, sealed and signed in such manner as said board of
 directors may determine, to authenticate and perpetuate the memory of

i such graduation. Approved, April 8, 1864.