Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/735

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TREATY WITH HON DURAS, JULY 4, 1864. 707 agreeing upon such other arrange- quiera otros arreglos que tiendan ments as may tend still further to ann mas ehcazmente é, estrechar las the improvement of their mutual in- relaciones existentes, y al adelanto teroourse, and to the advancement de los intereses de los respectivos of the interests of their respective ciudadanos, se ha convenido, que en citizens, it is agreed that, at any cualquier tiempo, pasados siete afios, time after the expiration of seven desde la fecha en que se cangéen las years from the date of exchange of ratiiicaciones del presente tratado, the ratiiications of the present treaty, cualquiera de las dos altas partes either of the high contracting parties contratantes podra poner en conoshall have the right of giving to the cimiento de la otra parte sus intenother party notice of its intention to ciones de terminar los Articulos IV, terminate Articles IV, V, and VI V, y VI del presente tratado; y of the present treaty; and that at que al espirar un aio desde que the expiration of twelve months una de las partes haya recibido de after such notice shall have been' la otra dicha noticia, los espresados received by either party from the articulos, y todo su contenido, deother, tbe said articles, and all the jaran de ser obligatorios a las dos stipulations contained therein, shall altas partes contratantes. cease to be binding on the two high contracting parties. ARTICLE XIV. ARTICULO xrv. Inasmuch as a contract was en- En atencion a. que ha sido con- Honduras intertered into by the government of cluido un contrato entre el gobierno g’°°“'°u R°‘1""Y Honduras and a company entitled de Honduras y una. Compafiia in- ompa y` the “Honduras Inter-oceanic Rail- titulada “Compafiia del Camino de way Company " for the construction Hierro Inter-oceénico de Honduof a railway from the Atlantic to ras," para oonstruir un ferro y the Pacino oceans, through the terri- carril entre el Atlantico - el Patories of Honduras, which contract cifico, por el territorio de Honduwas ratified by the constitutional ras, cuyo contrato fué ratiticado powers of the State, and proclaimed por los poderes supremos del Estaas a law on the 28th day of April, do el 28 de Abril de 1854; y en 1854; and inasmuch as, by the atencion a que, segun el artfculo 5, terms of article 5, section 6, of said seccion 6, de dicho contrato, " el gocontract, the government of Hondu- bierno de Honduras, con objeto de ras, with " the view to secure the asegurar la ruta de toda interruproute herein contemplated from all cion 6 disturbio, por cualquiera interruption and disturbance from causa 6 circunstancia, se obliga é. any cause, or under any circum- abrirnegociaciones con los gobiernos stances, engages to open negotia- con quienes tonga relaciones, acerca tions with the various governments del reconocimiento y perpetua neuwith which it may ·have relations tralidad y proteccion de la ruta_refor their separate recognition of the ferida:"—para llenar esta obligaperpetual neutrality, and for the cion: protection of the aforesaid route ; " therefore, to carry out the obligations thus incurred : 1. The government of Honduras 1°. El gobierno de Honduras _Right of tranagroes that the right of way or han- conviene en que el derecho de tran- Sit- &°· sit over such route or road, or any sito por dicha ruta, 0 cualquiera other that may be constructed within otra que se construya por su terriits territories, from sea to sea, shall tprio, de mar a mar, sera en todo be at all times open and free to the tiempo abierta y libre para el gogovernment and citizens of the bierno yciudadanoslde los Estados United States for all lawful pur- Unidos, para todo objeto legal. Nm-