Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/8

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eign salt before payment of the allowances provided for by the acts of July twenty- ninth, eighteen hundred and thirteen, and March third, eighteen hundred and nineteen. June 20, 1864, ch. 139 .. . . . ... 142 Marine Hospital in Chicago. An act; to authorize the_Secretary of the Treasury sell the Marine Hospital and grounds at Chicago, Illinois, and to purchase a new 81tS and build a new hospital. June 20, 1864, ch. 140 . 142 Idaho Reapportionment of An act to amend sm not entitled "An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Idaho," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. June 20, 1864, ch. 141 ... . 142 Entries of Land in Missouri. An not to confirm certain entries of land in the State of Missouri June 20, 1864, ch. 142 .. . .. . ... 143 Judicial Districts in Michigan. An act to detach the counties of Calhoun and Branch from the western judicial district, and annex the same to the eastern district of the State of Michigan. June 20, 1864, ch. 143 .. 143 Lands in Oalybmia ·—CoZlege Rancho. An act concerning lands in the State of California. June 20, 1864, ch. 144 .. 143 Pay of N¢m—Commissianed Ofcers and Soldiers, gc. An act to increase the pay of soldiers in the United States army, and for other purposes. June 20, 1864, ch. 145 . .. 144 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Expenses Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 147 . . 146 Indnan A rapriation. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses otgrue Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. Juue 25, 1864, ch. 148 . . . . .. 161 Examinaziem ey" Ojieers. An act to provide for the examination of certain onicers of the army. June 25, 1864, ch. 149 ..., 181 Payment for Horses, ge. Lost. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the pay- ment of horses and other property destroyed in the military service of the United Sta.tes." June 25, 1864, ch. 150 .. t . 182 ·Grade ey" certain Navy Ogfcers. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish and equalize the grade of line officers of the United States navy," approved July sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. June 25, 1864, ch. 151 . 182 Retiring Navy Ofrfcers. An acl: to amend the act of twenty-first December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled "An act to further promote the eiiiciency of the navy." June 25, 1864, ch. 152 . 183 Lands granted to Wisconsin. An act granting lands to the State of Wisconsin to build a military road to Lake Superior, June 25, 1864, ch. 153 ... 188 Lands in Oregon. An act to amend the act of congress making donations to the settlers on the public lands in Oregon, approved September twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and fifty, and the acts amenclatory thereto, June 25, 1864, ch. 154 . . 184 Printing Public Documents. An act to expedite and regulate the printing of public documents, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 155 .. . 184 Public Instruction in the D1'sh·ict of Columbia. An act to provide for the public instruction of youth in the county of Washington, District of Columbia, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 156 . 187 Levy Coun. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to define the powers and duties of the levy court of the county of Washington, District of Columbia. June 25, 1864, ch. 157... 193 BaH:f<y" Orphans' Cburt. An act to authorize the bailiif of the Orphans' Court, in the county of Washington and District of Columbia, to serve processes issued by said court, and for other purpose . June 25, 1864, ch. 158 . 194 Hnal Fees for Patents. A11 act amendatory of an act to amend an act entitled "An act to promote the progress of the useful arts," approved March three, eighteen hundred and sixty- three. June 25, 1864, ch. 159 . . .. 194 Lands to Oalgfbrnia. An act to grant to the State of California certain lands for state prison purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 160 ...,.. 194 Seulement q6()Za€mc ¢y`Hud0¢m’s Bq], é·c. Companies. An act to carry into effect a treaty between the nited States and her Britanic Majesty for the final settlement of the claims of the Hudson’s Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural companies. June 27, 1864, ch. 162 .. 195 Fees of Clerk, dt., in the District q/° Columbia. An act in relation to the fees and emoluments of the marshal, attorney, and clerk of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. June 27, 1864, ch. 168 . 195 Smuggling. An act to prevent smuggling, and for other purposes. June 27, 1864, ch. 164 . 197