Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/808

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780 INDEX. Advarlis-ig Letters, Amendment, (continued.} Amfplay r, not to exceed two cents each,. . 505 A md declared to be ratified, ... 774 vm m ments, under the homestead act, by persons in allowed in complaints, or statements, 0n the military or naval service, how summary trials for minor offences,. . . 125 made, &c., . 85 American Colonization Society, by persons under bodily disabil- acgnts oi, f£:b{:upp0rtb‘;>fa;Ai·]ecaptured ity ... 85 ioans in ‘ ria to 'usted,... 569 in legal piooeedings exempt from duty, 301 American Alaps, ’ Ajirican lm:e·Trade, and plans, for library of congress, . 351 treaty with Great Britain for suppres- American Nauiical Almanac, sion oi}. . .( . .. . 645 A appropriation for, .. 85, 466 ee {rea: ritain. merican 'eamen appropriations for expenses under treaty appropriation for relief and protection of 138 with Great Britain for suppression of, 189, Ames, Julia A., A gw 352,424 A pensipn go, .. 580 gents, ., mnesty mc amation among Indians, to have families with of President Lincoln, . 787 A them, .. _ ... 6 95 not to apply to persons inlcnstody, &c., 737 gems, such persons may app y to the Presto purchase for the United States, prod- identfor clemency, . 738 _ ucts of states in insurrection,. .. 377 of President Johnson, 758 Agrzcultgm? Impznéznts, I d 694 classes of persons excepted from its to e urnis e certain 11 inns . .. . operation . 759 Agricultural Statistic? , 155 A regulatlionslpf Secretary of State, . 7 59 appropriations or .. . . m-pew-m e-c a, Agriculture, Deparranent ey, payment to be made to, ... 427 appropriations for, . 23, 155, 455 Anderson, Charles, rooms for, . . .. 381, 415 assignee of John James, payment to,.. . 594 lab See Department Q/`Ag1“iCultHTB. Andrews, Solomon, A mm appropriation to test his new mode of not eptitled to representation in electoral A lfgnin g mail-bags, .,.. 574 co lege .. . . . . . 567 mma ons, proviionél gogexénor appoilnged for, . of llieads f departments, &c., when and 8 t e United States to e p . ow to e printed . 1 5 A cgnventigrg qualifications of electors, &c., 767 number of copies, and how distrible cer an orter uted . . 185 ’r1¤ry’0¤, mma.] . 20s Awww, ’ internal revenue duty on, ..,.. 242 to Shoshonee Indians, increased, .. 663 Alexandria, _ Shoshomee-Goship bands, granted,. . 682 consul-generalat, to have name and title to Chippewas, Pillager, and Lake Win- 1 mef aggntcand consul-general, 138 nebagoshish Indians, extended, .. 694 A exo ria . ., board of visitors to be present at pay- commercial intercourse with, permitted, ment of certain, 694, 697 Af subject, &c., .. . 735 A h ZS5e the several Indian Treaties. ienage, pac e, n ums plea of, not to exempt certain persons appropriations for the, ...,. 165, 544 from military duty, . 732 Southern agency oi, abolished, 823 Aliens, agent for, and Kioways and Camanches, not to be exempted from enrolment or to be appointed, 323 draht, if they have voted, &c., ... 9 salary of, ..., Allen, Isaac, Appeals. See lnternal Revenue. full pension to, . .. 581 in cases arising under internal revenue Ambulances law how made, heard and deteract tolestablish uniform system of; in mined, 228, 229 the armies ofghelllllnited Stagg, . gg in prize cases, to be directly to supreme 310 authority 0 me ic irectors, . court .. . .. how furnished and distributed to ,each from assistant assessor to assessor in army corps, . . . ... O 20 matters connected with income tax,. . 481 provisions for care and use 0 , 2 1 Appraisers, tt? be uged only for certain purposes,... ’ 21 emii msmant, to ge appointed at Port 46 Amb ance wps, an aine, an pay, .. officers and enlisted men, what and hov;0 2 tw; idditional, authorized in New 161 detailed for service in, . -2 or .. . . . . . .. t . . . to be examined, instructed, &c.,. .20, 21 Appropriations, designation and uniform of, .. 21, 22 for the army, civil expenses, consular ambulances, how furnished and distrib- and diplomatic expenses, fortifications, uted, . 20 Indiansgepartxnent, legislatgei &c., horse and mule litters, ... . 20 navy, · ., see those several hss. what officers and men only to take the deficiency ofQ for pay, Svc., of officers and wounded to the rear, . .. . ... 21 men indWestern Department, ... 2 Amendment, for invali and other pensions, ... 3 proposed, to the Constitution of the Unit- for rebuilding stable at the Presidents., 3 ed States, . 667 for protection of overland emigrants,. .. 14