Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/810

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782 INDEX. Army Appropriations, (continued.) Army Register, subsistence in kind, .. 127, 495 resolution providing for publication of a quartermastefs department, .. 127, 495 full, . . 412 incidental expenses of,. . . ..127, 495, 496 full, to be published, .. 570 purchase of cavalry and artillery horses, 128, copies may be sold, ... 570 496 Arrest, mileage and transportation, ... 496 of those furnishing arms to the Indians freight, procuring water, clearing roads, ordered, .. . ,... 758 &c., .. . . . .. 128, 496 of Jefferson Davis and others, reward quarters, &c., hire or commutation ot}. . 128, offered for the, . 756 496 of felons from other countries commitconstruction of huts, &c., . 128, 496 ting felonies in this, . 775 heating and cooking stoves, ... 128, 496 claims for rewards for arrest of Booth telegraph for military purposes, 128, 496 and others, to be filed by January 1, prisoners of war, , 128, 496 1866, ... . ..i... 777 steam rams, ...,.. 128 Arsenal, clothing and camp equipage, .. 128, 497 act requiring removal ot] from St. Louis, contingencies, . . .. 128, 497 repealed, .. 432 medicines, instruments, and dm sings, 128, Arsenal at Rock Island, 497 Rock Island, Illinois, to be taken posseshospital stores, clothing, furniture, bed- sion of by Secretary of War and held, 50 ding, &c., . . 128 arsenal, &c., to be built thereon, ... 50 books, stationery, and printing, 128 compensation for private property taken, 50 ice, and other comforts for soldiers, 128 procedure, where damages are agreed citizen nurses, ... 128 upon, . , . . . 50 private hospitals, sick soldiers in, .. 128 where damages are not agreed upon, 50, artidcial limbs for soldiers and seamen,. 128 51 citizen physicians and medicines, ... 129 commissioners to assess damages, clerks and laborers in purveying de- &c., ... 51 pots, . 129 appeal from decision of commismeteorological observations, ... 129 sioners, . ... 51 medical museum, . . ... 129 trial by jury, &c., . 62 laboratory for medicines, &c., .. 129 appeal to supreme court of the washing and washing—machines, ... 129 United States, ... . . 52 commanding generals oillce, .. 129, 497 claims for damages to be adjusted withsecret service, ... 129, 497 in three years, . 52 armament of fortifications, 129, 497 saving in favor of minors, married ordnance service and stores, . .. 129, 497 women, and persons under disdeficiency for ordnance for 1865, ... 497 ability, . ... 52 purchase and manufacture of arms, 129, 497 Arsenal uz Washington, repairs, improvements, &c., at armory, 129, relief to suiferers by a late accident 497 at, .. . . 416, 417 at arsenals, .. 129, 497 Arsenals, Army, gunpowder and lead, . 129, 497 appropriations for, . ... 497 signal-service and cfice, .. 129 repairs, improvements, &c., at, . 129 pay, rations, uniforms, &c., of persons Artificial Limbs, ot' color, ... 129 appropriations for, . . , . . 23, 128 bounties, &c., not over $100, .. 129 Artillery Horses, bounties to certain volunteers, without appropriations for, 24, 128, 496 regard to color, ... . 129 Assay Office, New York, pay, bounties, &c., of colored soldiers appropriations for, 156, 455 heretofore enlisted, . 129 Assessment Districts, Attorney-General to determine ques- underintemal revenue act, .. . . 224 tion of law, 129 Assessments. See Infemal'Revenue. Secretary of War to provide pay, of tax under the internal revenue law, &c., ii, &c., .,.. 129, 180 bow made, . 225-230 enlistments in regular army may be for erroneous, may be rectified, ... 228 three years, or during rebellion, . 180 not to be increased, unless, &c., . . . 228, 229 commutation of officers’ subsistence to Assessor, be fifty cents a ration, .. . . . . . 497 of internal revenue, to appoint assistthis 1101: to apply to certain 015- ants, . . . 469 cers, ... , ... 4 97 Assessors and Assistant Assessors, officers of volunteers now in commission under internal revenue act, ... 22A, 225 under rank of brigadier· general to to assess, &c., duty on cotton, . . 16 have three months’ pay when mus- Assignment, tered out of service, 497 of prize money due persons in naval officers in field may buy rations on service, ... 310 credit, . 497 of bounty money, 310 how settled for, .. 497 of wages, . ... 310 tobacco at cost for enlisted men, 497 to be void, unless, &c., . ... 310 additional appropriation for pay of ar- of lease, stamp-duty on, ... 482 my, . . . .. . . 497 Assistant Assessors, Army Razinn, of internal revenue, appointed by as- 1:0 be same as by law of 1861, .. 144 sessor, . 469