Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/813

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INDEX. 785 Banking Associations, (continued.) Banking Associations, (continued.) all transfers, assignments, payments, associations to report quarterly to comp- &c., after an act of insolvency, or in troller, under oath, . 109 110 contemplation thereof, to be void, . . . 115 contents of report, ... ’ 110 if directors knowingly violate this act, abstracts of reports to be published, 110 franchise to be forfeited, and they held separate reports to be published in individually, ... _. .: 116 local papers, ,.. 110 comptroller to cause associations to be in large cities, monthly reports to exammed, when he thinks proper,. . . 116 be published, .. 110 compensation and examiners, and circulating notes, if not redeemed, hold- _ how paid, . 116 er may protest,.: ... 109, 113 embezalement, &.c., of funds, by officers proceedings for protest, ... 113 or directors, how punished, . 116 expenses of protest, how paid, . 115 list of shareholders to be kept, 111 notes not to be protested in certain to be open to inspection, .. 111 cases, ... . . 114 copy to be sent each year to comp- association not to continue banking troller, .. ;  : 111 business, .. . ... 113 any association may go into liquidation circulation to be redeemed in New York and be closed, by vote of shareholders at par, 109 owning two thirds of stock, . 112 one half of lawful money reserve to be proceedings in such case, . 112 kept in New York, . 109 notice to be published and where,. 112 notice of name of association in cities holders of notes called upon to pre- where notes will be redeemed at par, sent them, &c., 112 to be given, ... 109 after a year from publication .of no- in case of failure to do so, comptroltice may pay treasurer amount of ler may appoint receiver, &c.,. . . 109 outstanding notes, and take up notes of other associations to be taken bonds, 112 at par, &c., 109 treasurer to execute duplicate re- comptroller, on notice of failure to receipts therefor, . 112 deem circulation, to ascertain the fact, 114 mutilated and defaced notes re- may appoint special agent for the deemed, ... 112 purpose, . A . 114 any association may be depositary of to declare bonds pledged to be forpublic moneys, 113 feited, 114 suits under this act, on behalf of the to notify holders to present notes United States, to be conducted by dis- for payment,. . . . ... 114 trict attorneys, . 116 proceedings in paying the notes,. .. 114 suits against associations, where may be may cancel an amount of bonds brought, ...,... 116, 117 equal to notes paid, 114 penalty for mutilating, &c., circulating or may sell at auction in New notes, with intent, &c., . 117 York, .. .L . 114 forging, &c., circulating notes, . 117 or at private sale, 114 uttering, &c., forged notes, 117 but for not less than par, .. 114 engraving, &c., or having custody may appoint a receiver, ... 115 of plates, paper, &c., with intent, proceedings in such case,. . . . , 115 &c., ..., . ., 117 bond and duties of receiver, .. 115 comptroller to report annually to con— if failure is denied, how question gress, . 117 may be tried, .. 115 contents of report, and when to be bonds transferred as security for circulamade, .. 117, 118 tion, to be so held, . . 107 any lawfully existing bank, &c., may interest thereon, to whom paid,. .. 107 become an association, .. 112, 118 may be surrendered, &c., on cancelproceedings in such case,. . ... 113 ling circulation, it, &c., Z 107 notes to be received at par for all dues if market value of bonds depreciates, from the United States, except inter- and difference is not made good on est on public debt, ... . . 106 notice, comptroller to do what, .. 107 not to issue as money any notes except proceedings when former market value circulating, 106 is regained,. . ._ . 107 post notes, not to be issued, ... 106 worn out or mutilated notes may be exbonds uansferredi as security for circu- changed for new, .. 106 lation, to have fact stated on certifi- proceedings to make the exchange, 106 cate, .. 105 old notes to be burned, ... 106 how such bonds may be transferred,. . . 105 certificate of burning be made,. 106 record of transfer,. . . - 105 circulating notes not to be signed or deassociation to be notified of transfer,. . . 105 livered, except as provided for, .. 107 comptroller and treasurer may examine penalty for violation of this law, . 107 each other’s books, . 105 expenses of examinations and of receivassociation to examine yearly its bonds, ership, how paid,.. ., ... 115, 116 and compare same with . books of after transfer and delivery of bonds, Treasury Department, .. 106 may receive circulating notes, . .; 498 if found correct, to give treasurer cer- limit of amount of notes to received, 498 tificate, 106, 107 B apportionment of authorized circulatron, 498 examination ma be made by agent ap- anks, _ _ pointed in wrging,. 107 existing, applying before July 1, 1865,