Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/818

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790 INDEX. Cedar Rapids, §»c., (continued.) Ghaslas, limits of selection, and conditions of apprinprisxtrions for the, . . . . . . . . .162, 541 grant, ... 97, 98 Chem ation, rights of others not afected, .. 98 appropriations for the, . 180, 558, 564 Cemeteries, Chqyennes, certain, in District of Columbia, to be appropriations for the, . 176, 555 taxed, 193 Chicago, certain lots in, to be exempt, .. 193 city of} may erect piers in navigable wa- Cemetery, ters of Lake Michigan, . 1 for navy and nmrine corps at Philadel- piers to be lighted, . . . 1 phia, appropriation for, . 85 marine hospital and grounds at, may be Cemetery at Constaritinople, sold, .. . . .. 142 appropriation for, ... . 138 additional inspectors authorized at, 198 Cent, Ohickasaws, standard weight, and composition of} . . . 54 up ro riations for the, . 165, 180, 544 two-cent pieces to be coined, ..., 1 . 54 Chief (Eng shape and device thereof, 54, 55 in Attorney-Genera1’s office, .. 516 present laws extended to coinage oi} 55 in offices of each of the assistant postdirector of mint to secure conformity of mastersgeneral, authorized, . 515 alloy in said coins, . 55 Chief Engineer, such coins to be a. legal tender, and in appropriations for office ofQ . 154, 453 what sums, .l . . . ... 55 additional clerks in dice of', ... 28 penalty for making coins, &c., intended Chief Engineers of the Nagy, to be passed as cents, ,.. 55 number and pay of} established, ... 393 to be a legal tender for what amount,. . 518 Ohiqfqf Ordnance, Central Pacwc 1—lu[/wud Company, appropriations for office of} 153, 453 of California, provisions relating to rate additional clerks in office of] .. . 28 of building road, &c., ... 357 salary of} .. . ... . . 515 may issue bonds, . .,.. 504 Ghiqfqf Smj assignment by, to Western Pacific Rail- to Iieutenanbgeneral commanding,. 500 road C0mpany,_ra.tif1ed and confirmed, 504 rank, pay, and allowances orj . . 500 Certificate zf D{sab1`l{f_y, Chiefs (gf Yiibcs <y` Indians,) by physician. &c., to claimant of exemp- persons with bands of less than fifty, not tion from draft, no fees for, . 10 to be recognized as, .,.. 695 Certxficate of Growth, gm., gratuities to, .,.. 695 not required in certain cases, . . 140 houses and lands for, . 693, 694 Certyicates of Deposit, Children, may be given for temporary loans to the certain, in Washington, may be bound United States, . 219 cut, ... 131 may be paid for gold dust and bull- • of certain &c., to receive peuion, . .. 383 sion, .. 499 Cession of Lands, of person enlisted into military or naval to the United States, . 667 service, to be free, .. 571 to the United States by the Utah In- evidence that they are children of dians, .. . .. 674 such person, ... 571 boundaries of lands ceded, 674 China, by certain Chippewas, 693 salary of interpreters and expenses of See Utah Indians, Chippewa/s, Qc. courts in, .. 137, 139, 424 Challenges, ocean maiksteamship service with, auin jury trials of minor offences, ... 125 thorized, .. 480 to jurors in United States courts,. . 500 See Ocean Mail-Steamslup Service. in trials for treason or capital offences, Chippewa Indians, defendant has twenty and the United treaty with the Red Lake and Pembiun States five peremptory challenges,. .. 500 bands oi; of October 2, 1863, 667 in trials for other offences, ... » 500 peace and friendship to be pe·rpetual,.. . 667 to be tried by the court, .. 500 lands ceded to the United States, .. 667 Champlain, boundaries, . . 667 additional inspectors authorized iu, 198 payment for, and how distributed, 668, Chaplains, 689 in the army, without command, rank 0L certain amount to be reserved, and recognized, . s .. 46 how applied, ... . ... 668 to be borne on rolls next after sur- amnesty for past offences, . 668, 690 geons, 46 appropriation for former depredatious, 668, pay and allowances ot} .. . 46 670, 690 entitled to pensions, .. 46 claims, how to be ascertained and to make monthly reports, . 46 audited, ... 668 to perform funeral services, and for powder, lead, twine, &c., .. 668 hold public religious services,. . . 46 to encourage the adoption of habits Ozarter, of civilized life, . ... 668 of city of Washington amended, .. . 407 for road from Leech Lake to Red Charter of Vessels, Lake, . 668 for naval and blockading purposes,. 80 board of visitors to attend annuity pay- Charts, §·c., ments, ... . . . .. 668 appropriations for, for navy, . 81, 462 their appointment, duty, pay, &c.. 668