Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/824

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796 INDEX. Congress, Gmsulur and Diph>matw` Expenses, (continued. transfers of balances not to be made nn- suppression of African slave-trade,. .139,,424 less, . . 26 consular clerks may be appointed,. . . . . 139 an act to pay in part for publishing de- their age, duties, and pay, . 189, 140 hates oi, ... 892 to be examined as to iitness,. .. 140 each senator, &c., to have a complete set not to be removed 'but for cause,.. . 140 of Congressional Globe, &c.,. 892 fee for certifying invoices by consulpay to publishers of Congressional Globe general of British North American for extra pages, 392 provinces and subordinates, . 140 appropriation for,. ._ .. 892 certificate of growth and production not how disbursed, ...,.. 392 required in certain cases, ._ .. 140 either party to abrogate these provisions office of commercial agent at Hakodadi by two years' notice, ... 392 may be changed to that of consul,. 140 member oi, from Illinois, to be elected expenses under act to encourage immiat large, until, &c.,. 407 gration, ... _ . . .. 424 thanks of, to various persons. See under neutrality act, . 424 Thanks, Qc. of commission to run and mark Congressional Directory, boundary line between the Unitto be compiled, Sic., . . 568 ed States and British Possession: when to be ready for distribution, . . 568 bounding on Washington Terri~ Congressional Globe, tory, .. 424 condition of appropriations for, 460 Consular Clerks, proceedings o congress to be published President may appoint thirteen, ... 139 on day subsequent, . 460 their age, duties, and pay, 139 but not over forty columns, ... 460 to be examined, .. 140 speeches not delivered to be post- notto be removed without cause, . 140 poned , . ... 460 Consular Courts, Congressional Globe and Appendix, salaries of marshals ot, 139, 424 appropriations tor,. . .146, 147, 446, 447, 470 Consular Jurisdiction, sets of to be furnished senators and rep- over controversies between omcers and resentatives, ... 892 crews of certain foreign vessels, . . 121, 122 Connecticut, Consular Oficers, post-roads established in, . 623 duty ot} as to verincation of invoices, 533 Gonscientious Samples, to follow instructions, 533 those having, as to bearing arms, how Consulates, treated, if drafted, .. 9 in Turkish dominions, expenses oi] 188 evidence as to, . .. 9 a propriations for, 139, 422 Constitution of the Uniie¢7'States, Consult, proposed amendment to, .. 567 of foreign countries, certain, not subject declared ratified,. . . . . 777 to income tax, when, &c., . 17, 305 Construction and Repair, of certain foreign nations to have jurisappropriations for bureau oi, 81, 463, 464 diction over certain controversies be- Oonstrucriue Mileage. See Mileage. tween omcers and crews of vessels,. . 121 no allowance for,. ._ . . ,. 460 mode of exercising it, .. .. . 121 (Jbnsular and Diplomatic Expenses, appropriations for salaries oi, .. .138, 422 appropriation for the years ending June salaries of certain, established, .,.. 139 30, 1865. and June 30, 1866, 187, 422- of the United States in Belgium, attri- 424 bntions of, ..., 650 salaries of envoys, ministers, and com- Gonsuls and Vice-Consuls, missioners, . . ... 137, 422 provisions concerning, in treaty with secretaries of legations, &c., 187, 422 Denmark, .. 605, 606 of interpreters in China, Turkey, Consuls-General, and Japan, 187, 139, 422, 428 appropriations for salaries of, .. 138, 422 contingent expenses, .. 137, 422 fees oi, for British North American prov- Barbary Powers, intercourse with,. .188, 422 inces for certifying invoices, . 140 consulates in Turkish dominions,. . .138, 422 Continental Hotel Company, relief and protection of American sea— in Washington, D. C., incorporated,. . . 587 men, .. 138, 422 corporators and corporate powers, .. 537 cemetery at Constantinople, ... 138 capital stock and shares, ... 537 rewards to masters, &c., for rescuing annual meeting, managers, votes, proxcitizens of the United States from ies, ... 537 shipwreck, . 138, 422 officers, vacancies, quorum, ... 538 blank—bo0ks, stationery, &c., ... 188, 422 Contingencies, salaries and office rent of certain con- of the army, appropriations for, 128, 497 sulsgeneral, con uls, and commercial of the navy, . 463 agents,. 188, 422 Contraband, salaries of consuls at certain places es- goods subject, under treaty with the Ottablished, . 189 toman Empire, to connscation after bringing home persons charged with certain proceedings, 619 crime, . 189, 424 Cbnlrabands, marshals of consular courts, ... 139, 424 appropriation for, . ... 23 prisons for American convicts, . 189, 424 Contractors, .ommissioners and consuls-general to to fumish svipplies to quartermutefs Hayti and Liberia, .. 139, 424 department, penalty upon, for fraud, . 897