Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/827

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INDEX. 799 pqicimey Appropriations (continued. )' Deposits, (continued.) compensation not to exceed,.. 2B' unclaimed from dead letters to be detemporary clerks and employ- posited, . .. 516 ees formerly authorize , in- penalty for wilful neglect so to do, 516 eluded herein, . 28‘ Deprerlations, limitation of ohice of assistant by Indians, payments towards settleregister of treasury to one ment of claims for, .. . t . 694 year, repealed, . ... 28 Deputy Collectors, for the year ending June 30, 1865, . 460 at Portland, Maine, pay oil ... 47 Delafeld, Gon. Rtchard, Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to be regent of the Smithsonian Insti- appointment, duty, &c. of} 224 tution, 669 See Internal lievenue. Delawarw, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, appropriations for the, . 166, 545 appointment, duty, bond, &c., of, . . 100 Delisle, Francis, Deputy Postmasters lands in Missouri, granted to, . 582 may deposit in certain national banks Delivery and negotiate drafts, ... 506 of mail-matter from posbomces, ... 507 Depuy, Wiliam, Denmark, payment to, . . . . . . . . . 579 additional articles to general convention Dmms, with, July 11, 1861, 605 enlistments of; punished, . 489, 490 consuls-general, consuls, &c., may sitas mustering into service, ... 490 judges and arbitrators between ollioers not returning according to proclamation and crews of vessels, ... 605, 606 of President, to forfeit citizenship,. . . 490 local authorities nottointerfere,unless,&.c. 606 proclamation of President for return of, 752 judicial authority of their country may from their regiments ordered to return be resorted to,. 606 forthwith, ... -. 752, 775 consuls, &c., may require aid of local those returning to be restored, Etc., 752, authorities to arrest deserter, 606 775 mode of procedure, .. 606 patriotic citizens exhorted to aid in their deserters, when arrested, how to be dis- return, 776 dposed oi, ... . . 606 from vessels, provisions concerning, in o nces against laws of country, to be treaty with Denmark, .. 606, 607 punished, . 607 from ships of war and merchant vessels, effect of these additional articles, .. 607 provisions for arrest, &c., oi in lxeaty signature, ratification, proclamation,. . . 607 with Hayti, 727 Denver, Desertion, certain lands in, may be entered at mini- additional penalty in loss of citizenship, 490 mum price for use of town, 94, 95 Designated Depasitaries, lots for government purposes reserved, . 95 banking associations may act ns, .. 113 Dqrartment of Agriculture, in Treasury Department, appropriations appropriation for the, .. 23, 155, 455 for, .. . 158 resolution granting additional rooms to, 415 Des Moines, Cir ey'} act repealing resolution, ... 2 . . 381 joint resoilution relinquishing certain Secretary of interior to assign tempo- coal-beds to, &c., .. 408 rary rooms for commissioner of} . 381 Diamonds and other precious Stones, commissioner may rent suitable rooms duties on, ... . ... 206 for office, .. 381 Dickson, Jo/m, appropriation for rent, &c., pro- payment of damages bo, for breach of vided, &c.. 881 contract, . . 577 Department of the Inierior, Dictator, Heating Battery. See Ewen, . . . . 409 appropriations for the, 151, 451 Digest of Election Gases, Department of Missouri, appropriation for, . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 appropriation for pay, bounty, &c., in,. .1, 2 Diller, Isaac R., to whom money may be paid, . 2 payment to,. 595 attorney may receive it, .. 2 Diman, Henry W., Sec Weston Department. accounts of, to be adjusted, . . . 590 Deposit, Service, act relating to village oi, . 324 general appropriations for, 137-140, 452 Depositaries, Directors qt Providence Hospital, acting assistant, provisions concerning,. 427 act to incorporate the, ... . 43 subject to penalties, &c., .. 427 Direct Tam, _ Depositions, none to be assessed until congress defendants in criminal cases in the Dis- passes a new law requiring 1t, . 804 trict of Columbia may have commis- former tax to be collected, .. . . 304 sion to take, of witnesses in their be- levy court may collect in Washington half .. 528, 529 County, D. C., . _. .: 331 practice in obtaining commission,. 528, 529 Direct Taxes in Insurrectionmjy Dzstrzcts, mode of taking depositions, ... 529 appropriation for commissioners oi, 158 Deposits, provisions concerning the collection ot§ in banking associations, tax or duty on,. 111 _ _ 501-504 of money received under internal rev- commissioners after sale of lands, &c., enue act, .. 483 and certiiicate, may issue wut to put money from sales of waste paper and purchaser in possession, 501