Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/829

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INDEX. 801 Digmfec of Columbia, (continued.) Draft. See Drafted Persons, National Forces. mt to amend charter of Washington and surgeons and commissioners of enrolling Georgetown Railroad, .. . 322 boards exempt from, . . . 491 act to incorporate the Metropolitan Rail- to be made, unless volunteers called for road Company in, .. 326 are furnished, .. . ... 732 wt infavor the “Guardian Society " oh 324 to be made to till quota, if not dlled by act to regulate proceedings between volunteers, ... .: .. 6, 379 landlord and tenant in, 383 further, to be made until quota is full, 6, 380 tenancy at will, &c., how created,. 383 persons furnishing substitutes exempt what are to be deemed tenancies at from, &c., _ .. 6, 7, 380 suiieranoe, 383 seamen, drafted may enlist in naval sernotice to determine, &c., .. 388 vice, . 7 attornments by tenant, &c., ... 388 in military service, may so enlist,. . 7 forcible entry and detainer,. . . .383, 384 who exempt from draft,. .. . . . 8, 9 summons to issue, &c., when, penalty for resisting, &c.,. . . . . 8 &c., . . 384 fees for preparing papers for exemption proceedings, &c., when defendant from, . 10 pleads title, 384 ordered to fill quota of states not full, detendant to recognize with 737, 748 sureties, .. 384 Dra/red Men, appeals, and how tried, ... 384 aepzpropriation for advance bounties to,.. 126 additional recognizauce in, 384 Draji Persons. See Draft. damages to complainant, if, &c.,. . . 384 furnishing substitutes, for what time to fees of officers, &c., .. 884 be eziempt from draft, .. 489 repeal of inconsistent acts, 384 furnishing incompetent substitutes, to act to provide for Washington aqueduct, 384 be liable to serve, . 490 act to allow levy court of Washington aiding substitutes to desert, to serve County in, to levy and collect the themselves, 490 direct tax of 1861, . 331 may. furnish substitutes, 6, 380 act to allow corporation of Washington seamen may enlist in naval service, 7 to levy and collect direct mx of 1861, 332 surgeons temporarily appointed to exjoint resolution for revision of laws of, 408, amine, 8 409 examinations of, when and where to be witnesses in, parties, &c., may be,. .374, 375 held, . 8, 9 act to establish Colfax Street in the city may have process for witnesses, ... 9 of Washington, . . . . 355 procuring exemption by fraud, to be persons charged with crime in. not to be deemed deserters, . 10 enlisted as volunteers or substitutes, 498, penalty upon surgeon for illegally dis- 499 charging, .. . .. . . , . . 11 penalty for so doing, ... ,. . 498 provisions for colored persons drafted, . . 11 penalty upon o$cers, &c., ofjail, giving how organized, &c., ...,.. 379 certain infomation, 499 transportation of; to and from rendezact quieting land-titles in Califomia,. .. 531 vous, . 380 Doble, Carlisie, absent from home, when drafted, how claim ot, for carrying the mail, to be notified, .. 380 adjusted, . . 590 Drawbeu-Ic, Dogs upon certain distilled spirits not alin Washington County, D. C., to be lowed ,. . .- . 15 killed if tax is not paid, ... 193 upon articles manufactured exclusively Domestic Letters, of cotton, . .. 16, 303 unpaid, except, &c., to be sent to dead- on certain articles, when exported, that letter office, .. . .504, 505 have paid duty, ... . 302, 803 part paid, to be forwarded, and unpaid certain articles excepted, .. . . . 302 portion collected, .. 505 none on certain quicksilver, ... 477 Donation Claims collector to be designated to attend to in Oregon and Washington, in certain duties of, . 486 cases patents may issue for half q_uar· Drop Letters, tersection, 62 postage on, how free delivery is estab- Doran, Paymaster E. C'., lished, . . .. 507 payments by William H. Peters, legal- Drugs, é-:., ized for benefit ot} .. 575, 576 duty on, . 211, 212 Doubk Rations, Dry Docks, to what oEcers only allowed, . 488 two authorized to be built from appro- Doughty William, priation for iioating dry dock, . . . 85 the Superannuated Fund Society, &c., Dubuque and Sioux City Razlroad Company, may hold certain property under will may change their hue, &c., ... 98 ot, ... 135 Duncan, C. S., Dower, payment to, · 599 acknowledgment by fame covert of deed Duncan, W. H., executed by husband, to be sufficient payment to, .. - ... 5 99 to bar her claim for,. . .. 532 Dun rk, _ _ _ Downing, Samuel, additional inspectors authorized at, 198 gratuity to, .. 598 Duroll, Porter, c0pyofactgranting,tobesentto,. 598 paymentto, . 579