Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/851

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INDEX. 323 Internal Revenue, (continued.) Invonbes, (continued.) no drawback on certain, .. 485 uch— 0E0e1s to be governed by in- ‘manufa.cturers of tobamo, snuff, cigars, structions or regulations given or &c., to give bond, .. . ... 485 established by Secretary of State,. . 533 conditions of bond,. .. 485 Invoice Value penalty on lottery dealers, doing busi- of goods, at time of importation, may be ness without license, ... 485 increased, . 217, 218 managers, proprietors, &c., to keep Iowa, books, 486 {Jost-routes established in, . 317, 528 penalty for refusing inspection of ands granted to, to aid in constructing books,. . ... 486 railroad from Sioux City to south line what shall be deemed capital of any of State of Minnesota, .. 72 state bunk for purposes ofrevenue ect, 486 for the benefit of the McGregor circulation not exceeding five per cent. Western Railroad, .. 72 of capital to be exempt from taxa- if lands hereby granted have been before tion, .. .. . . 486 reserved, preémpted, &c., lands to be when national banking association to given in lieu thereof, 73 pay the tax, ...,... 486 lands not to be located more than twenty exportation of articles under internal miles from lines of road, 73 revenue act, ... 486 to be applied only to purposes of one of two collectors at any port to road, ss it progresses, . . . 73 be designated, . -486 former reservations not within this oHioer to superintend exportation and act, . _ .. 73 drawback, . 486 minimum price of lands not granted, 73 salary, &c., of} ... . 486 when subject to sole at private entry,. . 73 duties imposed by former uct, not all actual preemption settlers and these un— fected hereby, . 486 der homestead law, ... — .. 73 penalties, &c., incurred not remitted,... 486 when state has completed ten consecdomestic goods, paying duty, may be utlve miles of road, patents to issue purchased for use of government free for lands on either side, . 73 of duty, ... · ..., 486 governnor of state to give certificate when this act takes effect, . . .. 487 to Secretary of Interior, ... 78, 74 commission upon raising revenue by lands granted, not to be encumbered or taxation, &c., .. . ... 487 disposed oi} except, &c., . 74 clerks in office of commissibner of inter- lands to be used only for purposes of nel revenue, . .. 487 roads, . 73 thanking privilege to commissioner, . . . .487 roads to be public highways, . . 73 Internatimmal Exhibitions, to be completed within ten years, 73, 74 at Bergen, Norway, and Oporto, Portu- if not, land to revert to tate, .. 74 gal, to be made known to the people mails to be transported over, at such of the United States, ... 572 price as congress directs, 74 Interpmers, troops or property of the United in China., Turkey, and Japan,. . 137,139, 422 States to be transported over, free with Indian tribes, 162, 541 of toll, . , .. . 73 Invalid Pensiomzrs, act amending former act granting land in the United States service, not to draw to, 4,. ... _. .95-99 pension while receiving full salary, .. 499 provisions concerning the Mississippi Invalid Pensions, and Missouri. Railroad Company,. . .95, 98 appropriations for, for 1864-65, 3 Burlington and Missouri River appropriation for, for 1865-66, 421 Railroad Company, . 96 Inventors, Cedar Rapids and Missouri River or their assignees, who failed to pay the Railroad Company, . 96 Hnsl fee ns required by law, may ap- Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad, 98 ply for patents within two years, 533 conditions of former act to apply to this, persons who have used the article not except, &c., . . . . 98 liable in damages, ... . .. 533 lands granted not to be certihed until, &c., 99 act to apply to what cases, 538 to be offered for sale within three Inventory, years, &c., Z ..., 99 to be made of articles in qua.rtermosters’ sale of lot numbered 1, in Fort Crawdepots in the United States, 571, 572 ford, reservation in, .. 334 and in possessidn of naval store- sale of other lots in, 334 keepers, ... 572 time for completing certain land-grant Invoices, railroads in, extended, .. 528 fee for certifying, by consul-general for Iowas, British North American Provinces, alnpropristions for the, . 166, 545 &c., .. . .. . . 140 Irish ational Fair, of foreign goods, to be made out in at Chicago, released from liability for weights and measures of country selling goods and lottery tickets withwhence imported, .. 217, 218 out licenses or stamps, .. 412 value of, may he increased, ... 217, 218 Iron, and Manufactures nf See Duties on [m- act to provide for verihcation cf}. . . 532, 533 ports. consular officers may require sstisihc- duties on, . 203-205 tory proof of their correctness, by provisions of revenue law as to duties oath, before certifying them to be true, upon ma,nu§:.ctures oi} .. 476 or otherwise, . . . . . . . 583 Seo Intsmul Revenue.