Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/861

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INDEX. 833 Lhsszlesippz Rwer, _ _ _ Money Orders, (continued.) navy yard on, or on nts tnbutanes, 823 postmasters to account for transfers and Missouri, payments, . 77 certain school lands in township forty- auditorto settle accounts of postmasters,78 five north, &c., granted to, .. 132 accounts of money-order offices to be certain entries of land in, under gradu- kept separate,. . 78 ation act, couirmed, 143 dues to the United States to be collected, 78 lands to be paid {or, .. 143 moneys received from sale oi to be posnroutes established in, . 319 deemed moneys of the United States, 78 Miss0urias, whit shall be deemed embezzle- _ appropriation for the, .. . . . .167, 168 ment, and penalty therefor,. . 78 Mzssoun, Degmttmentej certified transcript to be evidence approprxsmon for pay, bounty, &c., of of receipt of money, ... 78 _ men m, ... Z ... 1, 2 penalty for forging, &c., .. 78 Mzxed Bloods, for altering, . 79 preference given to, as laborers, ... 695 for knowingly uttering forged, 79 Madoc Indums, superintendent of money-order system appropriation to enable President to con- to be appointed, 79 clude treayty with, . , . , . . . 37 clerks to, and their salary, 79 " M0fm.wk," Steamer, additional clerks, and appropriap joint resolution, authorizing issue of tions,.. . . , . 79 register to, provided, &c., ... 404 Jlaney-Order Sfqstem, Molzuaehe Band appropriations, &c., for 1865 to be used of Utah Indians may settle upon reser- for 1866, .. . ... 506 vations of Tabeguache bands, ... 674 deputy postmasters may deposit, &c.,.. . 506 Molallas, certain expenses of, to be paid from proappropriations for the, 172, 551 ceeds,. . ... . 505 ]}[g]q55g5_ See Duffy; gn, lm-pgy·{_q_ "Mgnilw," the SICGTYWT, duty ou, .. . .. 202 pay of petty officers and crew of the,. . . 85 Molds, Montana, appropriations for the, . 175, 554 territory of} established, . 85, 92 Money- Order Bureau, boundaries, .. 86 appropriations for the, . . . 455 territory may be divided, boundaries Mani/·0rder Offices. See Money Orders. changed, &c., . . 86 ’ostmaster-General to establish, &c.,. . . 76 rights of Indians preserved, ... 86 accounts of} to be kept separate, ... 78 Indian territory excepted out of Money Orders, boundaries, .. z. 86 postmaster at money-order oiices to is- executive power,. . . . . 86 sue, .. 76 governor, term of office, salary,. 86, 90 to whom order is payable, 76 to be superintendent of Indian not to be issued until amount and fees aihirs,. ... 86 are first received, . .. .. .. 76 veto-power ot) ... 88 penalty for violation of this rule,: . 76 secretary, term of office, duty, salnot valid, unless drawn on a printed or ary, . 86, 87, 90 engraved form, . ... 76 to act as governor in case, &c., 87 applications for, to be signed, Bled, and legislative power, .. 87, 88 preserved, . 76 legislative assembly be consist of council not to be issued for less than $1, nor and house of repr0sentat1ves,._. . , .. 87 more than $30, 76 council ; number, term, and qualriicomon fees for, . 76 of members, . 87, 88 may be changed, when, &c.,. .. 76 house; number, term, &c., of members, 87 amount paid for, to be repaid, if order is apportionment for members of councnl returned, .. 76 and house, , _. . . 87 fees not to be repaid, . 76 census to joe taken urior to first elecnon, 87 to be presented for payment in ninety first electron, plurality ro elect, 87 days, . 76 first meeting of legxslutxve assembly, . 87, 91 new order may be issued, if new fees subsequent meetings, ... 87, 9} are paid, ... . .. 76, 77 length of sesswns, _ 81 duplicate order to issue in case of loss, 77 voters nt first elecuons, and qualxcaloser to make oath, . . . 77 txons for office, ... _ 8 7, 88 second fee to be paid, . 77 at subsequent elccuons,. .. 88 payee of money order may indorse it to extent and hmntsof legislative power,. . 88 another, . - . 7 7 slnvery_noc_to emst therein, 88 indorsee may receive money upon proof, township, district, and county officers,: . 88 &c., .. 77 members of assembly not to hold certain only one indorsement permitted, ‘ . . 77 offices, 88 holder to apply for a. new order,. .. 77 who not to be members of assembly or pay to postmasters for issuing money _ oiirce-holders m the_terr1tory, ... 88 orders, ... · . 77 Judjcxel power vested m what,, . Z . , 88 subject to provisions of law, .. 77 Jurisdiction of courts to be hmued by postmasters issuing and paying money law, _ . I . 89 orders to execute new bonds, 77 supreme court, Judges, &c., of] . 88 payments and transfers of funds to meet drstnct courts, Judges, Qc., oi . 88 orders, ,.. , ... 77, 78 probate courts and gusuces of the pence,. 89 70 *