Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/871

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INDEX. $43 Plattsburgh, _ Postal Laws, (continued. established as principal port of entry,. . 119 partpaid letters to de forwarded,. .. 505 Pmyntq-Um-ds, unpaid rate to be collected on deliv- P _ pirgreséuér, . . ... 802 ery, . , . ... 505 om an zn , ostmasters suileriu I SB in California, granted to state, for use of P forces, to be relievegdj. .?i 505 state prrson, . f .. 194, 195 allowances to certain officers for rent, Pokagomm Lake Reservatzon, stationery, &c., . l .. 505 ceded to the United States,. . . . 693 certain expenses of money-order busiclearing of lands on, . 694 ness to be paid from proceeds, ... 505 house for 0h1E7b of bands, . 694 pay for advertised letters,. 505 Pokatello, salary and travel of special agents in Paboundary of country of,. .. 663 cine States, .. · . 505 Poncas,. _ _ additional special agent for Pacino States, 505 appropriations for the, 172, 551 two additional special agents for railway Po·rt‘Dues. See Betqtum. mail-service, .. 506 levied by the city of Antwerp, to be re- special agents to be allowed for travelducftg . : ... .. . ling, &c., expenses, . 505 canno e agam increase . ost-route ma s ma be re d n Porter, Admiral David D., ’ I P published,. . . E 505 thanks of congress to, 404 clerks in railway post-offices, pay, &c.,. 506 Porter, Bear·Admiral David D., mail -service by steamship to foreign and the officers, seamen, and marines ports, M., how may be paid, 506 under his command, thanks of con- letters, &c., unless regularly posted at gress to, for capture of Fort Fisher,.. 566t-office of port, not to be received the President requested to communi- byssteamship, &c., . 506 cate this resolution, . 567 collector may require certain conditions Portland and Falmouth, of clearance, . . . . . . . 506 additional inspectors authorized at, 198 this not to apply to letters, &c., relating Portland, Maine, to cargo of vessel, &c., .. 506 apprai er and assistant appraiser may deputy postmasters may deposit in cerbe appointed at, ... . . 46 min national banks and negotiate pay oi and of deputy collectors, 47 ( drafts, 506 Portland, Oregon, appropriations for money-order system additional inspectors of steamboats at,.. 120 for 1865 to supply deficiencies for pay and duties 0L 120 1866, .. 506 Port ofEntvjy and Delivery, wilful injury to letter or pillar boxes, for district of Philadelphia, boundaries of; 431 how punished, . 506, 507 Port Oy"0rd, penalty ·up0n 'clerks in postomce for collection district ol, abolished,. ._ .. 125 unlawfully removing stamps from let- Port Raya], ters, .. . ... 507 appropriation for wharf, &c., at, . . . . . 24 publication of advertisements for pro- Ports of Delivery, posals for carrying the mails, 507 act to make Portland, in Oregon, and delivery of mail matter from posted Leavenworth, in Kansas, ... 342 fices, .. . ... 507 surveyors authorized at,. . . 342 system of free delivery to be established, Parkersburg, West Virginia, made a,. . 22 when, &e., 507 Ports of Entry, postage on dr0p—letters, , .. 507 certain closed, in certain states and parts obscene books not to be admitted into of states lately in rebellion, .. 758, 754 marls, .. _ ... _. : . . 507 reopened, .. . 757 penalty for knowingly depositing Postage, for mailing, ... 507 on articles of clothing transmitted to sol- Postal Mmwy-Order System, diers by mail, ... Q .. 2 act to establish, . : 76 on mail matter between Kansas and Cal- superrntendent, &c., of, to be appointed, Ig ifornia, 36,421, 422 See Mzmqy Orders. proviso as to newspapers and franked Postmaster- General, matter, . 86, 37 to prescrrbe rules for conveyance of cercertain official communications to be sent tern artxcles of clotlnng to soldiers by free, without indorsement, .. 95 mail, ... l .. I ... 2 on foreign letters, rates of; .,...,.. 337 may contract for earrying mail matter but not to interfere with treaties,.. 337 by Panama or Nicaragua, . _ . . 35 stamps for, when may be sold at discount, 337 for carrying malls by steamshxps envelopes, stamped for, ... 337 between ports of the United on returned letters, bearing request to States,. . .. ·.: .. 37 be returned, ... 337 may suspend law authorrzing convey- penalty for neglecting to pay, .. 337 ance of letters otherwise than IH the _ Postaqe-btamps. See Postage. mails, Z .. . ... . 3: Postal Laws, may credit postrnasters robbed by guerclating to village of Deposit in New rillas, with amount of stamps taken,. 62 York, . ... 324 to determine pn-1ee_to be for transact relating to, .. 504-507 p0rtati0u_ of ma1_ls over ra1lroads for domestic letters unpaid, except, &c., to whose md publrc lands have beeps 74 be sent to dea.d—letter office,. . 504, 505 granted, ...,... — . ,