Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/887

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INDEX. 859 Telegraph Companies, nks r s ' provisions of internal revenue act con- Thato xlgiintgzc-;·8,si>ldi:et;slu€v(1i5 have reenpermng,276, 277 listed,,.." 402 Telegraph Lmes, to Cornelius Vanderbilt, ‘ .. 401 not to be molested by Indians, ... . . 681 Theatres, Operas, Oi:-eases and Alweums in Kansas, grant of lands, to state of} in provisions of internal revenue sci consid of construction oi, provided, &c.,. . 339 osrning, .. .. 276 277 change of certain route of, in Kansas, . . 340 The Columbia Institution for the Instruction of Temporary Huis, the Deaf and Dumb hospitals, and stables, appropriation for,. 128 name established,. ... 436 Temporary Loans, indigent blind children where to be edumay be received, and certincates of de- cated, . ... 436 posit bearing interest issued therefor, 219 expense thereof, how paid ... . 436 aggregate not to exceed $50,000,0%,. . . 219 The Freedmarfs Savings and Trust Company, reserve for payment, . . Z 219 established at Washington, D. C. . . .510-512 Tenant at Will, Qc. See District of Columbia. trustees and board how Hlled .. .’ .. 5l1 Tender. See Legal Tender. meetings o£. ., .. . . . . . 511 treasury notes how far a. legal,. . 218, 219 failing to attend for six months in effect oi to stop sales under the revenue succession, to vacate office of law, . L . 288, 235 I trustee, ... . . . . 511 Tennessee, _ _ trustees to manage corporation, ... 511 terms of federal circuit and district officers otl .. . 511 courts in west district, . . 2 quorum, by—laws, 511 special terms, notice, ... ; . 2 objects and business of corporation, 511 not entitled to representation in the elec- deposits, investments, &c., 511 toral college, ... 567 deposits to be repaid and trusts pertheinsurrection in declared suppressed, 763 formed, ... 512 Tcrrdmwes, _ of deceased depositors, how held appropriations forgovernment in,.. . 156,- 157, and di posed oi; ... 512 456, 457 not called for} how invested and ap- See Titles of the several Ter·ritories. plied,. . . . . . 512 Terry, Brsvet Maj0r· General Alfred H., officers not to borrow or use iimds of and the officers and men under his com- corporation, . ... 512, 513 mand, thanks of congress to, for the interest and dividends to depositors, 513 capture of Fort Fisher, . 565 deposits of minors and married women, 513 the President of the United States re- no trustee, except president and vioequested to communicate the resolu- 566 Epresident, to receive pay, ... 518 tion,. . J o cial bon s and salaries 513 Texas, books to be 0 n for inspection, 518 not entitled to representation in the elec- The News·Boys' liizeme of Washington City, toral college, ... 567 act to incor crate, 99 provisional governor appointed for, 766 The Union Gas-Eight Company of lhe District of the United States to help, . 766 Columbia, ` convention, qualincations of electors, act to incorporate, . . . 41, 48 &c., ... . . . 766 Third Auditor, Thanksgiving, appropriations for oillce ot] . 149, 150 day oi, appointed, .. . . 749 additional clerks in ofilce of .. . . 27 day of national, appointed, .. .. 773 Thomas, Mrrjm·-General George H, Thanksgiving, Prayer, and Praise, and otllcers and soldiers under his com-. days of, appointed, 7 34, 736 mand, thanks of congress to, .. . . 571 Thanks ig. Congress,_ I7zres·O'ent Pieces, to jor·Genera.l Grant, &c., .. 399 coinage of, authorized, . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 gold medal to, - 899 composition of coin, . . . . . . 517 appropriation for, 399 weight, shape, mottoes, and devices,. . . 517 to Major·General Banks, .. 401 laws relating to coins and coinage exto Major-General Burnside,.. .. 401 tended to this coin,. . . . ... . . 517 to Major-General Hooker, . . . . 401 director of mint to make regulations, . . 517 to Major-General Howard,.. ... 401 to be legal tender for sixty cents,. . .517, 518 to Major-General Meade, · . 401 may be paid out for lawful currency, exto Major-General Sherman,. . . . 401 cept cents and half·cents, 518 to Admiral David D. Porter, .. 404 making or passing coin, or token for to Commodore Cadwalader Ringgold,. . 403 this coin, &c., how punished, .. . . 518 to Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey,. . 408 motto_ “In God we trust," may be put to Captain John Rodgers, . 399 _ on, ii} &c., . 518 to Cushing, Lieutenant William B.,. 565 Titles, _ _ to Porter, Rear-Admiral David D., 566 act to quiet, in favor of parties in actual to Sherman, Major-General William T., 565 possession of lands in the District of to Sheridan, Major-General Philip H.,. . 568 Columbia, .. . . . .581, 532 to Terry, Brevet Major-General Alfred Tobacco, H., ... 566 duty on, . ... 208 to Thomas, Major-General George H.,. gg} _ See Internal Revenue. to Winslow, Captain John A., . 5 provisions for manufacture of and and the ofdcers and men under duty upon, under internal revenue their command. law, . . . . . . 261, 264, 270