Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/890

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862 INDEX. Utah Indians, Vessels, (continued.) treaty with the Tebegueche band oi, of tonnage of open vessels, .. . 72 October 7, 1863, ... 673 tonnage to be marked on mein beam,.. . 72 boundaries of lends claimed by, ... 673 charges for measuring vessels and certi- 'bounderies of lands ceded to the United fying, . 72 States, 674 provisions not to apply to certain vessels, 72 authority of the United States admit- controversies between officers and erew ted, ,.. 676 of certain foreign, to be under yunsd1c— military posts may be established on tion of consuls,. 121 lands not ceded, 674 in measuring for tonnage, cabins above miners not to be disturbed, ... . 674 deck not to be reckoned,. ... 444 other settlers not permitted, . .. 674 not to receive letters, &c., unless posted Mohuache band may be settled on lands at and received from the posboillce at reseryed, .. Z .. t . . . 674 the port, . . 506 protection to certain persons, .. 674 conditions of clearance, ... 506 injuries to be redressed and offenders letters relating to cargo, &c., not includdelivered up, ... 674, 675 ed,; ... 506 stolen propertfy to be restored, or pay- bills of sale, mortgages, conveyances, ment made rom annuities, .. 675 &c., cf, not to be recorded unless duly guaranty to Indians for losses by cer- acknowledged, . . .., 519 tain thefts, . ... 675 what to be deemed “United Stetes," and white crinen to be surrendered upon de- V wha;:u;‘gttt¢L1nSn," under the treaty, . . 615 man , ,. . ... . . . . 675 0 t ni tutes, munitions lof wang . .. proportions of crews oi, need ébolt 202 annuities, orses, c., t . . . . be citizens, ... , . , donations of stock to those willing to fol- oiicers ot} to be citizens, .. 202 low agricultural pursuits, ... 675 Vessels of War, blacksmith and shop, . 675 certain privileges to be refused to those U hamendments, ... . . 676-679 of certtlein naiions, . ... 7 55 ta s, to cse o nations s owing capivppropriations for the,. 180, 558, 560 mlities to insurgent cruisers after Utah emtory, notice, .. ., 757 appropriations for government in, .. 156 Veteran Volunteer Engineers, Indian service in, . . , . 180 regiment of, may be organized, 80 postmoutes established iu, . 322 pay, &c., to be those of engineer soldiers, 80 Ddi?51 reservations in, except, &c., to be 63 appointrpent, commissions, 8:.0., of ofE- 80 so , ... cers 0 , Indians in, to be settled in Uinta, Valley, 63 Vice·Admiral, Indian title to cermin'1ands in, to be ex- grade oi established in the navy, .. 420 tinguished, ...,. _ .. . 482 _ agrpcogintment, ro.nk,_pay, &c., .. 420 territorial government m, .. . . . 456 Vwe- ident of the United States, Indian service in, . 558 appropriations for the, . 148, 448 franking privilege extends to all mail 30 matter,. . . .. V. Viryinim judicial district ot, . . ... 124 Vanderbilt, Cbrnelius, boundaries of, and sessions of court in,. 124 thanks of congress to, .. . .. 401, 483 uoitoentitlid to representation in the elec- 567 old medal to, .., 4 ra co ege, .. apprgpriation for gold medal for, ... 462 suth_org·5t;uofi1t}ée United States declared 777 `Ventilatin rees s e 111, . . .. apprgpriatione for, . . . . . . . . 146 V qid $3 bejiyren Governor Pierpont,". . . 777 Ver el, Juan del Oarrrwn zsitors, oa o , V gpayment to, .. , . 9 5, 141 to blemprepgrét et annuity paymentsagp 695 ermont, ee m mus, . , additional inspectors authorized in, . 198 their duties, pay, &c., . . .. 695 V picst-route established in, .. 820, 525 Volunteer Erzgzneirsszo be H ted 488 esse s, six regimen en s ,.. . act to punish fraud in names of ... 63 pay and allowances of, 488 names of steamboats, where to beplaced two companies to be added to former on vessel, .. . ... 63 regiment, . . 488 penalty for not having name so placed, . 68 Volunteers, U name not to be changed, and no decep— appropriations for bounties to, . . . . . .126, 129 tion to be practised as to name, under for expenses of collecting, subsistpenelty of forfeiture, . t . 64 ence, drilling, &c., . 126 built or owned in the United States, after for payment, &c., ot, .. 126, 127 January 1, 1865, how to be measured thzmlrs of congress to those who have re— and registered, . 69 enlisted, .. . 403 registers, to express what, 69, 70, 72 100,000 called for, .. . . 783 length, breadth, depth, and height, how 800,000 called for, , ... 787 ascertained, 70 500,000 celled for,. ... 743 measurements to be in feet and decimals, 70 joint resolution for payment of volun~ register tonnage to be what, and how uuteers, for not less than 100 days,.. . 405 ascertained, . . .70-72 appropriation for, . 405