Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/97

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS- Sess. I. Ch. 82, 83. 1864. 69 Sec. 3. And be it further enacted,'That in all cases in which the streets, 83;: gniffdm avenues, or alleys of the said city pass through or by any of the property ,,,,,1,,,,;,;,,,;) fg', of the United States, the commissioner of the public buildings shall pay to improvements in the duly authorized officer of the corporation the just proportion of the °°"'““ “°'°°tS' expense incurred in improving such avenue, street, or alley, which the said property bears to the whole cost thereof, to be ascertained in the same manner as the same is apportioned among the individual proprietors of the property improved thereby. Approved, May 5, 1864. Cnr. LXXXII. -—-An Act for the Relic/`qf the Settlers upon certain Lands in C'alg)"ornia. May 5, 1864. Be it enacted by the Senate and [muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That any and all persons claim- Claimants of ing, whether as preemptors or settlers, or under any grant or title, any °?:,;:*;“_f;Sm of the lands included within the exterior boundaries of a certain grant for E,. the rugcho the rancho San Ramon, situate in the county of Contra Costa, in Cali- San Ramon, may fornia, made to Bartolo Pacheco and Mariana Castro by Don José Figue- :i%':'§;;g§£°°“` roa, governor of Upper California, on or about the tenth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and which claim, or two leagues thereof, has been confirmed by the district court of the United States in separate moieties, one in the name of Horace W. Carpenter, and the other in the name of Rafael Soto de Pacheco and others, by a decree of said court made and entered on or about the fourth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, shall have the right in all courts to contest the correctness of the location of the lands so confirmed, within the said exterior boundaries, notwithstanding any official or approved survey thereof now made or hereafter to be made under the said decree of confirmation, and notwithstanding any stipulation or consent given by the district attorney of the United States authorizing such locations. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted; That in case it shall be found that If the United. the United States have title to any of said lands within said exterior gifs gtstgg; boundaries, which have been settled upon and improved by any person, lgndg? 1,,,,,, gd, in good faith, under a bona fide claim of title, such occupant, and each Smlefs ¢h¤¤'¢<>¤ settler upon said lands so situated, shall be entitled to enter and receive ggguzagf a patent for one hundred and sixty acres of land, including his improvements, upon payment, at the proper land-oflice, of the government price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and proving that he was one of the actual and bona fide settlers on said lands, and had made improvements thereon before the passage of this act. · Sec. 3. And be tt further enacted, That this act shall take effect im- When this act mediately. takes sgm- Approved, May 5, 1864. nn. LXXXIH. -.An Act to c the Admeasurement 0 n e aMay 6 1864- C v..1’.€".§}».. uma.: sea. J T° Mg f SM’°° W Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United isi-i’pihgZg` States of America in Congress assembled, That every ship or vessel built Ships ¤¤d Y65- within the United States, or that may be owned by a citizen or citizens §1',Z;°,1Q:,}I'Q'°"° thereof; on or after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty- be mebsured and five, shall be measured aud registered in the manner hereinafter provided; “8l“€"*d· also every ship or vessel that is now owned by a citizen or citizens of the United States shall be remeasured and reregistered upon her arrival after said day at a port of entry in the United States, and prior to her departure therefrom, in the same manner as hereinafter described: Provided, Pr<>viS¤· That any ship or vessel built within the United States after the passage of this act may be measured and registered in the manner herein provided. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the register of every vessel Regisger toonpress w at.