Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/116

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86 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166, 167. 1866. S¤rv¤{;>¤‘·g<>¤- is hereby, authorized to appoint a. surveyor-general for Nevoda, who shall °"E0f°;ti0§`L2}da’ locate his office at such place as the Secretary of the Interior shall from chico? time to time direct, whose eompensatiou shall be three thousand dollars P“X· per annum, and whose duties, powers, obligations, responsibilities, and al- Tjg$:,§_,,8§§g_ lowences for clerk hire, office rent, fuel and incidental expenses shall be the same as those of the surveyor-general of Oregoix, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and such instructions as he may from time to time deem it advisable to give him. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That in extending the surveys of _I;i¤3¤¤ of S¤b· the public lands in the State of Nevada, the Secretary of the Interimd’"“°”° my b° ma in his discretion var the lines of the subdivisions from a recmncuchanged from Yv _ v_ Y _ e rectangular. lar form, to suit the circumstances of the country; but in all cases lands msg::? buds valuable for mines of gold, silver, quickeilver, or copper shall be reserved ` from sale. _ Public buds Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That until the State of Nevada in the Scqto not shall have received her full quota of lands named in the first, second, and

1t}_’° 'z;’J°‘;]:5 third sections of this act, the public lands in that State shall not be subth, gl", Kasher ject to entry, sale, or location under any law of the United States, or any

ful! q¤<>¢¤· scrip or warrants issued in pursuance of any such law except the home- 1862, eh. 75. stead act of May twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and acts V°l· ni- P- 392- amendatory thereto, and the acts granting and regulating pre-emptions, but shall be reserved exclusively for entry by the said State for the period of two ears after such surve shall have been made: Provided, lcgQ’l‘;°l‘;%‘£'s_ That said Stale shall select said land; in her own narne and right, in tracts posing of lands of not less than forty acres, and dispose of the same m tracts not exceed- Y **16 $***0- ing three hundred and twenty acres, only to actual settlers and bona fide city md *°"'¤ occupants: And provided further, That city and town property shall not pr°P°”y` be subject to selection under this act: And provided fur!/zer, That this Vested rights section shall not be construed to interfere with or impair rights heretofore “°* **E°°*°d‘ acquired under any law of Congress. APPROVED, July 4, 1866. J¤¤y 4, 1866- cmu?. cnxvn.-An Ae ymmsng Lands to the smc of oregon, to aid in me canstruction of a Military Road from Corvallis to the Acquinna Bay. Be it enacted by the Senate and 1%use of Representatives of the United Lands granted States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby,

  • £u3;$§,°;f);§‘; °‘ granted to the State of Oregon, to aid in the construction of a. military

wagon rosd from the town of Corvallis to the Acquinna Bay, three alternate sections per mile from the unoccupied public lands, designated by odd numbers, and not more than six miles from said road: Provided, how to bg ap- That the lands hereby granted shall be exclusively applied in the con- §Q:fd“g‘ff1 d‘“` struction of said road, and shall be disposed of only as the work progresses; and the same shall be applied to no other purposes whatever: And Lands harm,. provided further, That any and all lands heretofore reserved to the United f<>f¢ ¥¢¤¤¤‘V¤d ¤¤¤ States by act of Congress, or other competent authority, be, and the same grmwd h°'°by‘ are, reserved from the operation of this act, except so fm- as it may be Ri ht of wa · DGCGSPBPY to locate the route of said road through the same, in which case g y the right of way is granted. Lands how to SEQ. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said lands hereby granted bg digpoggd of to sand State shall be disposed of by the legislature thereof for Road to be l the purpose aforesaid, and for no other; and the said road shall be and republic highway, main a. public highway for the use of the government of the United States, '6££`(‘i’°S?“g·1l° {PSC fl‘0m tolls or other charges upon the transportation of any p1‘0p6I‘|S)’, ’ troops, or mails of the United States. construction _Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That said road shall be constructed °f*`°°d· Wlth such graduation and bridges as to permit of its regular USG 85 3 gsgon roadé and in such other special manner as the State of Oregon ay prescribe.