Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/17

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. xvii Pw- Oeean Mail Steanusliip Service the Hawahan Islands. An act to authorize the establishment of ocean mail steamslnp service between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands. March 2, 1867, ch. 182. ... . .. 548 Fira Department, Washingwn, D. O. _ An act to amend an act entitled “An aet concerning the fire department of Washington city," approved February eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty- wven. March 2, 1867, ch. 183 .. . .· . 544 Private Land Claims in Florida, Louisiana, and Missouri. An act to amend the provisions of an act entitled “An act for the final ulgustment of private land claims in the States of Florida, Louisiana, and Missouri, and for other purposes." March 2, 1867, ch. 184. . 544 Appeals and Wriis ofErrm·. An net relating to appeals and writs of error to the Supreme Court. March 2, 1867, ch. 185 . . .. 545 Public Fund in Custody of F'reedmen’s Bureau. An act to regulate the disposition of an irregular fund in the custody of the frecdmcn’s bureau. March 2, 1867, ch. 186 .. 545 Pecnage Abelis/zed. An act to abolish and forever prohibit the system of peonuge in the Territory of New Mexico and other parts of the United States. March 2, 1867, . 187 . . . 546 Fines, Penalties, and Fbvyieitures under Customs Laws. An act to regulate the disposition of the proceeds of fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred under the laws relating to the customs, and for other purposes. March 2, 1867, eh. 188 ... . . . 546 Land Grant for Railroads in California. An act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad from the city of Stockton to the town of Copperopolis, in the State of California. March 2, 1867, ch. 189 548 Young Men’s Chrislian Association. An act to incorporate the joint stock company of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Washington. March 2, 1867, ch. 190 .. 550 Post-Roads. An act toestablish certain post-roads. March 2, 1867, ch. 191 ... 551 National Capitol Insurance Company. An not to incorporate the National Capitol Insurance Compuny. March 2, 1867, ch. 192 . . ... 556 Crimes. An act to define and punish certain crimes therein named. March 2, 1867, ch. 193 557 C'ompound·[n¢erest Mates. An act to provide ways and means for the payment of compound·inter~ est notes. March 2, 1867, ch. 194.. . 558 Washington, D. O. An act to pay and discharge certain debts and expenditures to the corporation of the city of Vllasliington. Merch 2, 1867, ch. 195 ... . . . 558 Removal of Cases from State Courts. An act to amend an act entitled "An act for the removal of causes in certain cases from State cour¤,” approved July twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. March 2, 1867, ch. 196 .. 558 Imports. Duties on Wool, J1:. An act to provide increased revenue from imported wool, and for other purposes. March 2, 1867, cli. 197 . l .. 559 PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS. [No. 1.] National Agylum for Disabled Volunteers. Joint resolution to appoint two managers for the -Nationa.l sylum for I)isa‘bled Volunteer Soldiers, to fill certain vacancies. December 7, 1866 . .. . . . 568 [No. 3.] Paris Exposition. A resolution to provide for the exhibition of the cereal productions of the United States at the Paris exposition, in April next. January ll, 1867 ... 568 [No. 4.] Zifeduls to Iumambly discharged Soldiers. Joint resolution authorizing certain medals to be distributed to honorably discharged soldiers, free of postage. January 14, 1867. . 568 [No. 5.] Post-Ojlee and United States Courts in the City of New York. Joint resolution to rocure a site for a building to accommodate the post-office and United States courts in I§ew York city. January 22, 1867 .. 563 [No. 6.] Joint Select Committee on Retrenclament. A resolution aplpropriating money to defray the expenses of the joint select committee on retrenehment. anuury 22, 1867 .. 564 [No. 7.]N Mulond Asylum for disabled Volunteers. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of ar to transfer certain property to the National Asylum for Disabled Volunteers. January 29, 1867 .. . .. 564 [No. 8.] The Steamship Scotland. A resolution to provide for the removal of the wreck of the stenmship Scotland. January 29, 1867 ... . . 564 [No. 11.] Internal Revenue. Joint resolution to amend existing laws relating to internal revenue. February 5, 1867 . 565 [No. 12.] Kentuclqy M illtia. A resolution providing for the payment of certain Kentucky militia forces. February 8, 1867 . . . ·» . 565 [No. 14. Alcohol in Bond. A resolution ,w provide, in certain eases, for the removal of alcohol from bonded warehouses free from internal tax. February 18, 1867 565 [No. 15.] Ocean Mail Service. A resolution in relation to ocean mail service between San Francisco, in California, and Portland, in Oregon. February 18, 1867 . 566 [No. 16.] Pensions. Joint resolution in relation to the pensions of widows of revolutionary soldiers. February18,l867 ... . ... . . . . .. 566 [No. 17.] David': Island. Joint resolution for the purchase of David's Island, New York harbor. Feb.uary 18, 1867 . . 566