Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/231

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THIBTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 208. 1866. 201 Bureau of equipment and recruiting: B,“*°°:t°Ld For stationery, books, and miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. f32x:;:!; Bureau of navigation : of navigation; For stationery, blank books, and miscellaneous items, two thousand four hundred dollars. Bureau 0F ordnance: ¤f ¢>rd¤·¤¤¤¤; For stationery and miscellaneous items, one thousand three hundred dollars. Bureau of construction and repair; ofcousu-uc: For smtionery and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. mm * n( rmm’ Bureau of steam engineering: ofyream engi For stationery and miscellaneous items, two thousand Evo hundred “°°““€? dollars. Bureau of provisions and clothing: of provisions For stationery and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred and °l°*h*”8¥ dollars. Bureau of medicine and surgery: ¢>fm¤di<=i¤¤ For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, eight hundred °“d "’8°'y dollars. To defray tho expense of introducing water into the naval academy Water musgrounds and buildings at Annapolis, Maryland, nine thousand dollars. **1 °°“d°mY‘ For ihe General Purposes of the Sou!/zwest Executive Building. -— For Southwggt compensation of five watchman and two laborers of the southwest exocu- e¤¤¤¤¤iv¤ b¤iW· tivo building, four thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars. *°g’ For contingent expenses of said building, viz: For labor, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Post Office Department. - For compensation of the Postmaster-Gen- Post 06'M oral, three assistant postmastors-gcneral, chief clerk, and tho clerks, Di§’;;°;'}.°1'§;`st messenger, assistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers of said depart- m¤m;·.G¤¤m1, mont, one hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and twenty &°- dollars. For compensation of authorized additional and for temporary clerks, thirty-seven thousand dollars. Contingent Expenses of the Post Office Department. -- For blank Contingent books, binding, and stationery, fuel for the general post office building, ‘g§Z:S§;;l£°°t including the z1udit0r’s office, oil, gas, and candles, printing, repair of the men; general post office building, office furniture, glazing, painting, whitewashing, and for keeping the fireplaces and furnaces in order ; for engineer for stenm—ongihe, laborers, watchmen, repairs of furniture, and for miscellaneous items, forty-fivc thousand dollars. Money Order Bzoreau. For compensation of superintendent and the Money order clerks in his office, seven thousand five hundred dollars. b“’°”·“·

 zbpographcr.  - For preparing and publishing post—r0uto maps of the Topogmphsr.

Lnucd btutos, ten thousand dollars. Department of Agricultuz·e. —For compensation of commissioner of Departamento! a.grieult;urc, chief clerk, and the clerks and cmployés in this officc, “%'i°“1*“'°· thirty-ninc thousand six hundred dollars. For contingencies, viz: For stationery, purchase of library, laboratory, Co¤ting¤n- rem, and miscellaneous items, eleven thousand five hundred dollars. °‘“S· For collecting agricultural statistics, ten thousand dollars. Agricultural For purchase and distribution of new and valuable seeds, viz: ‘t1§€:$és B and For purchase of cereal, vegetable, and Bower seeds, and for labor in diminution of putting up seeds, seed bags, and miscellaneous items, sixty thousand dol- ¤•=¤d¤· Iars: Provided, That the commissioner of agriculture shall only pur- Provisc. chase and distribute, with tho fund herein appropriated for that: purpose, such seeds as are rare and uncommon to the country, or such as can be made more profitable by frequent changes from one part of our own country to another.