Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/235

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THIRTY-NIN TH CONGRESS- Sess. I. Ch. 208. 1866. 205 Junxcmnr. Judiciary. Office of the Attorney- General. -— For salaries of the attorney-gem omee of atcral, assistant attorney·general, and the clerks and messenger in his fo¤¤¢>y—8¤¤¤¤‘¤¥- office, twenty-three thousand seven hundred dollars. For two additional temporary clerks of class one, twenty-four hundred dollars. Contingent expenses of the office of the attorney-general, namely: For fuel, labor, furniture, stationery, and miscellaneous items, four thousand dollars. For purchase of law and necessary books for the office of the attorney- general, five hundred dollars. For legal assistance and other necessary special and extraordinary ex- p,.;v,,ee 1,,,,,; penditures in the disposal of private land claims in California, five thou- claims in Calisand dollars. f°“““‘ Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.——For salaries of justice, of the chief justice and nine associate justices, sixty thousand five hundred Supreme couridollars. For travelling expenses of the judge assigned to the tenth circuit for attending session of the supreme court of the United States, one thousand dollars. For salaries of the district judges of the United States, one hundred Dieu-ge; and twenty-six thousand dollars. j¤d8°$· For salaries of the chief justice of the supreme court of the District of Court, in the Columbia, the associate judges, and judge of the orphans' court, nineteen Districtpf thousand dollars. G°l“mb‘“‘ For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the supreme court of the Reporter gf United States, which is hereby fixed at that amount, two thousand five d°<=*Si<>¤¤- hundred dollars: Provided, That said reporter shall within the time now gglgyhsiglléd prescribed deliver to the Secretary of the Interior for distribution, accord- copjes of reports ing to existing laws, three hundred copies of such of the annual reports of “° ° d°l“’°"°d· that court as shall be hereafter published. For additional compensation to three clerks in the department of the Aiditivrggl attorney-general, for extraordinary services under the Iamnesty proc- Eigkf ff, S;v,_ lamation ot May twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to be ees under amapportioned, one thousand to the principal clerk, and five hundred each to P’°°l°’¤¤‘ the other two clerks, two thousand dollars. volf xm p_ rj5g_ For compensation of the district attorneys, nineteen thousand two hun- meme; em,-. dred and fifty dollars. ¤°Y¤· For compensation of the district marshals, twelve thousand dollars. gmreheie, For necessary expenses in carrying into eifect the several acts of Con- Expenses of gress authorizing loans and the issue of treasury notes, two million dollars. l<>=¤¤ wd ¤‘¤¤·¤· For salaries and expenses of collectors, assessors, assistant assessors, rev- "§ai'§;; of enue agents, inspectors, and superintendents of exports and drawback, to- collectors, assesgether with the expense of carrying into effect the forty-fourth section :3*; 18:* °*` in of the internal revenue act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty- 18;,, carat;-§?'§ tour, and all other expenses of carrying into effect the various provisions gg- . of the several acts providing internal revenue, except salaries of commis- V°1‘ x“" P' °°° sioner, deputy commissioner, and clerks of internal revenue office, together with rent, dies, paper, and so forth, for stamps, and incidental expenses, ten million eight hundred thousand dollars. For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the Laborers in capitol, five hundred and thirty-eight dollars. capitol- For compensation of four laborers in capitol, two thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation to the public gardener, one thousand four hundred Public garand forty dollars. d€¤°¤‘ md For compensation of a foreman and twenty-one laborers employed in hm""` the public grounds, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars.