Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/301

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 266. 1866. 2¥1 last of four instalments, in money, per fourth article treaty twenty-fourth Ottawas of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eight thousand five hundred dol- ¥;;”(°2:;d;Mh° lam- as Brant For interest on eight thousand five hundred dollars, at live per centum, Vol- xii- p- 1288- being the unpaid principal of thirty-four thousand dollars, per fourth article treaty June twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, four hundred and twenty-five dollars. For the last of four instalments of the principal sum held in stocks by the government., to be paid as annuity in eighteen hundred and sixty- seven, per fourth article treaty June twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, two thousand eight hundred and forty-nine dollars and eighty- seven cents. Ampahoes and Olzeyerme Indians of the Upper Arkansas River. ——- For Ampshosssnd sixth of fifteen instalments of annuity of thirty thousand dollars, to be ex- gh°>;’£_f“‘;?:° pended for their benefit, - that is to say, Eftecn thousand dollars per an- vg}? xH_ ,,_ 1165: num for each tribe, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to and settle upon their reservations, — per fourth article treaty February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, thirty thousand dollars. For fourth of five instalments to provide the said Indians with a mill suitable for sawing timber and grinding grain, one or more mechanic shops, with necessary tools for the same, and dwelling-houses for an interpreter, miller, engineer for mill (if one be necessary), farmers, and the mechanics that may be employed for their benefit, per fifth article treaty February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, five thousand dollars. For transportation and necessary expenses of delivery of annuities, goods, and provisions, per fifth article treaty February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, five thousand dollars. For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery Iieiivsz ot anof annuities and provisions to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, per sev- '€,‘Qfl;°f;wn‘;‘:§ enth article treaty September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, Lskepsnpsr-ior; five thousand seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-three cents. V°l· X- P- uu- For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery to Chipnewns of annuities and provisions to the Chippewas of the Mississippi, per fifth of SQ? M‘°“'“' article treaty February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, Fel. x. p. 1169. three thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and seventy-five cents. Obtjzpewas of Red Lake, and Pembina Tribe of O'}u]>pewas.—-For Chippewa; of annuity to be paid per capita to the Red Lake band of Chippewas, during g;;,£;’;1;°tgQ)‘; the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty second October, vo], xm, p, css, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and second article supplementary to V¤l·¤iii·P·°89· maty twelfth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand dols. . For this amount to the Pembina hand of Chippewas, during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty October second, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and second article supplementary treaty April twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, five thousand dollars. For the third of fifteen instalments to be expended annually for the purpose of supplying them with gilling twine, cotton matter, calico, linsey, blankets, sheeting, flannels, provisions, farming tools, and for such other useful articles, and for such other useful purposes as may be deemed for their best interests, per third article supplementary treaty of twelfth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, eight thousand dollars. For the third of fifteen instalments for same objects for the Pembina. band of Chippewas, per third article supplementary treaty twelfth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, four thousand dollars. For third of fifteen instalments for pay of one blacksmith, one physician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, one miller, and one farmer, per fourth article supplementary treaty April twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-font, three thousand nine hundred dollars.