Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/324

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294 THIRTY—NIN'.l‘H CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ch. 278. 1866. _ Other meet- said boards shall, in like manner, call all other meetings, naming the time ‘",§f)Q1‘!‘;‘l'S;‘j)l};‘3g and place thereofl It shall be the duty of said board of cominissionensto hgpgn books ro.- open books, or cause books to be opened, at such times and in such prin- ¤¤l>¤¤fi1¢i¤¤S¤> cipal cities or other places in the United States as they or a quorum of °°°°k‘ them shall determine, within twelve months after the passage of this act, to receive subscriptions to the cappal sgock of said cogporation, and] a cpsh a ment of ten er centum on a su scriptions, an to receiptt ere or. Wh¢¤¤¥¤<lb<>W Soysoon as ten thbusand shares shall in good faith be subscribed for, and f£;;‘:ff:';€:f ten dollars per share actuallyfpaid into gheftreasury of the cpnzipany, the stock to be said resident and sccretar o said boar o commissioners sia appoint °°ll°d· a timle and place for the iii-st meeting of the subscribers to th- stuck of said company, and shall give notice thereof in at least one newspaper in each State in which subscription books have been opened, at least fifteen days previous to the day of meeting, and such subscribers as shall attend the meeting so called, either in person or by lawful proxy, then and there Directors. shall elect, by ballot, thirteen directors for said corporation; and in such Each ¤b¤r¤t¤ election each share of said capital stock shall entitle the owner thereof h"° °v°t°‘ to one vote. The president and secretary of the board of commissioners, and in case of their absence or inability any two of the officers of said Inspectors of board, shall act as inspectors of said election, and shall certify, under their °i°°°‘°“· hands, the names of the directors elected at said meeting. And the said Commissioners commissioners, treasurer, and secretary shall then deliver over to said di- 'é‘;r‘::l2'r‘;"a§;’ rectors all the moneys, properties, subscription books, and other books in moneys, books, their possession, and thereupon the duties of said commissioners and the &¤-_¤¤d their officers previously appointed by them shall cease and determine forever, dim" t° °°”°' and thereafter the stockholders shall constitute said body politic and cor- _ Annunlmeet- porate. Annual meetings of the stockholders of the said corporation for

5,:f °°'P°‘ the choice of officers, (when they are to be chosen,) and for the transac-

` tion of business, shall be holden at such time and place and upon such notice as ma be rescribed in the b -laws. Right of way Sec. 2. Abad bsd further macteag That the right of way through the €·'"*“F°‘l "l“`°“$l·‘ public lands be, and the same is hereby, granted to the said Atlantic and public lands for P .6 Ra.1 d C . . . ,,,,,,sm,,,m,, of aca c 1 roa ompany, its successors and assigns, for the construction ¤¤ih‘<>¤d wd of a railroad and telegraph as proposed; and the right, power, and auwlgfixlighs for thority is hereby given to said corporation to take from the public lands construction. adjacent to the line of said road material of earth, stone, timber, and so oftgixptpfvggrnt fortl: for the cpnstrupfioré therfeof - Said! vyay is gisntgd tp saig railroag · to the extento one un re act in wi t on eac si e o said rairoa where it ma pass throu¤·h 'the public domain, includin all necossar grounds for gtation-buildirigs, workshops, depots, machineihops, switched; exlpgtngpggny side-tracfks, turn-tables, an: walter-'sltations; and tple Sghttegfgvay shalhbe , exempt rom taxation wit in the erritories o the ni tates. e mliididii title to United States shall extinguish, as rapidly as may be consistent with pub- ¤¤ ¢¤i¤€¤¥¤h°d· lic policy and the welfare of the Indians, and only by their voluntary cession, the Indian title to all lands falling under the operation of this act and acquired in the donation to the road named in the act. g,§,32g°,0l°3,? SW- 3- And be if further enacted, That there be, and hereby is, corporation to granted to the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and

é;lui;i;l;¤0i_¤¤- assigns, for. the purpose of aiding in the construction of said railroad and

mmadmdmlg telegraph line to the Pacific coast, and·to secure the safe and speedy graph. transportation of the mails, troops, munitions of war, and public stores, over the rouic of said line of railway and its branches, every alternate section of public land, not mineral, designated by odd numbers, to the amount of twenty alternate sections per mile, on each side of said railroad line, as said company may adopt, through the Territories of the United States, and ten alternate sections of land per mile on each side of said railroad whenever it passes throu h an State, and whenever, on the line thereof, the United States have $1111 tiile, not reserved, sold, granted, or otherwise appropriated, and free from pre-emption or other claims or rights,