Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/367

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THIRTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 299. 1866. 337 construed to authorize or permit the appointment to any position or office Who not to be in the army of the United States of any person who has served in any gggzglggg :2;;* capacity in the military, naval, or civil service of the so-called confeder- ' ate states or of either of the States in insurrection during the late rebellion; but any such appointment shall be illegal and void. Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That, in construing this act, officers Offcers of colwho have heretofore been appointed or commissioned to serve with g;;$xlfg%l§];gr:° United States colored troops shall be deemed and held to be oizlicers of of vonmeem. volunteers, and officers of the regular army who have also held oommissions as officers of volunteers or have commanded volunteers shall not on that account be held to be volunteers under the provisions of this act. Sec. 30. And be it further enacted That nothing herein contained t_R;¤llml1 deem necessary, not exceeding thirty days after the passage bureau, 0 this act. Sec. 34. And be it further enacted, That all officers who have served OF-acm of during the rebellion as volunteers in the armies of the United States, and gggllfgfffglu who have been or may hereafter be honombly mustered out of the volun- and wan- thanteer service, shall be entitled to bear the officicl title, and upon occasions ¤¤iY°*mS· of ceremony to wear the uniform of the highest grade they have held lL°l‘;,”*€°*1 by brevet or other commissions in the volunteer service. In case of oth- zgcogs {SQQM cers of the regular army, the volunteer rank shall be entered upon the entered upon official army register; Provided, That these privileges shall not entitle “"‘1El§;;`fg“€"‘ any officcr to command, pay, or einoluments.° Seo. 35. And be z`tjiu·t/ter enacted, That the third section of the act Provisinnsns entitled “An not making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six," snmm;0 be shall continue in force for one year from the passage of this aet: Pro- °°¤*i¤“°d 01** vided, That no officer who is furnished with quarters in kind shall be °h_81,§$_ engtlod to receive the increased commutation of rations hereby author- V<it.’xni. p. 497. jze _ TOVLSO. Sec. 36. And be it further enacted, That section three of the act Aefhofiiy Y<>¤‘ approved February twenty, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, authorizing ggggimcifftvff the appointment of 2. solicitor of the War Department, be, and the same penled. is hereby, repealed. {,8% ‘€l‘· “·6‘5: Sec. 37. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be, and '°m` p` VOL. xiv. 22