Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/394

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364 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 69, 73, 74. 1866. July I4, 1866· [No. 69.] A Rasolution to auzhorize the Presidqnt to placge at the Disposql efthe Aufhoriffw eg Portland, Maine, Tents, Camp, an¤} H0spztaJ F urmture and Clothmg, fw the Use y" amilies rendered lzouseless by tlw lule ire. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Gert1 - Stales 0 America in Congress assembled That the President of the United Whig: Statesé hereby authorized to place al: the disposal, without charge, Of ggglggftocbg the city authorities of Portland, Maine, such clothing, condemned or 0;-- glaced ut Eh? dererl sold, aud such surplus camp and garrison cqurpagc, bedding, and atfgfmtigs (ff hosyrlal furmture, on hand, as can uc spared by the army, for tlra use of Portland, Mains. famzhes rendered houselcss and destitute by the recent couilagmtnou; and that it shall be the duty of the quartcrmastcrk department to deliver these articles at Portland, and to take a. receipt for the same of the mayor of the said city, and to receive and properly dispose of the same when no lonvrcr needed. Xrrnovan, July 14, 1866. Jllly 24, 1866- [N0. 73.] Joint Resolulion restoring Tennessee to her Relations to ihe Union. Preamble. WHEREAS, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-ouc, the government 0f the State of Tennessee was seized upon and taken possession of by persons in hostility to the United States, and the inhabitants of said State in pursuance of an act of Congress were declared to be in a state of insurrection against the United States; and whereas said State government can only be restored to its former political relations in the Union by the consent of the 1aw—making power of the United States ; and whereas the people of smd State did, on the twenty-sec0nd day of Fcbruaryz eighteen hundred and sixl;y—five, by a. large popular vote, adopt and ratnfy :-1 c0n· stitution of government whereby slavery was abolished, and all ordinances and laws of secession and debts contracted under the same were declared void; and whereas a State government has been organized under said constitution which has ratified the amendment to the Constitution of the United States abolishing slavery, also the amendmeuuproposed by lhc thnrty-mnth Congress, and has done other acm proclaxming and denoting loyalty: Therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House ofRe;1resentatives of the Mzited Tennessee de- States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of Tennessee gags Qjfggfd is hereby restored to her former proper, practical relations to the Union, and is again entitled to be represented by senators and representatives in Congressl APPROVED, July 24, 1866. July 25, 1866. [N0. 74.] Joint Resolution in Regard to Ratiansqf Union Soldzlzrs held asPnlsoners of War. Preamble. WHEREAS by general order of the war department of February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two rations to Union soldiers held as

 See 1867, ch. prisoners of war in the rebel States, wars commuted at a cost price during

4§;0gt?b 4% thu period of their imprisonment; mul whereas a. large number of the suxd prxsouers ha b p d d d d b t y q lly Eby va can su un er sax or cr, u man c ua wor ¥1th them and who have suffered m rebel prxsous, have not been s0 p2.1d: hcrefore, Be it resolved by lhc Senate and House of Representatives of the United Union soldiers, States of America in Congress assembled, That all United States soldiers,

?;‘;*% ?g;m*‘ Sailors and marines who were held as prisoners of war in the rebel SKMBS,

prisoners in the shall b6 Band commutation of rations at, cost prices during the p8l‘i0d of aebel ztates, m then; imprisonment: Provided, That no person who has sold or transferred t:ug§‘0f°l_‘;‘gg;‘;' ary IHKBTBSC m the slaim fur said eommmanion, nor any purchaser 0I‘ 35- E; cosh prices, Slg¤€8 of such clatm or xnterest, shall be benefited b this 1‘€S0}l1U0¤§ P· . y • ¤`¢>V¤S0· and the amounp of such commutatxon shall be paul out of any IDOHGY U! the treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPROVED, July 25, 1866.