Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/414

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384 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 26. 1867. pruning, &c. or implement, instrument or thing, used, or Etted or intended to be used, in m m’k“‘€ °*h°” priutinv, stamping or impressinv, or in making other tools, implements, tools,&c.tobe. ° _ h. _ b d°_H d _. dd b cd. . ,,,8,; in printing, rnstruments or t. nngs to e use , Ol . hte 01 mten e to e u.e , rn puntgcmnybsccurimyd mg,.stamping or 1mpressing any kmd or descmptwu of pond, b1ll, note, bf; f:l_‘j;:,° certxficate, coupon, or other paper, obhgatxon, security or mstrument now United stages, authorized, or hereafter to be authorized, by law, to be executed, altered, elivered, given, issued or put in circu ation by, for, or in behalf of the United States, such person shall be deemed guilty of felony, and, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment not more than ten years, or by fine not exceedin five thousand dollars, or both at the discretion of the court. g . *. . . Y¤¤¤l_*Y _ Src. 5. And be at further enacted, That 1f any person shall, with m- for having 1u _ , · -_ _ · , · _ - p0ss6sSi0n’With_ tent to defiaud, have in hh possession, keepmg, custody, or control, withbut authority out authority from the United States, any imprint, stamp or impression,

é¤;‘;*“ taken or made upon any substance or material whatsoever, of any tool,

j,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,; gig implement, instrument, or thing used or fifted, or intended to be used, for of any tool, &c. any or either of the purposes mentioned m the last l`Ol‘6°‘OlU€’ scctmn · or Pd °' i"*°“g;’d if any per=0n shall with intent to defraud sell vive orcdelger any euch ` {" Iz, v _I.7 I ) 1 ¤ I

3: Iggulgwmc ID} rmt, stam or 1m ressxon to an other erson · such erson so of¥`end-

X .. _ P P P _ y P s _ _ P v _ lgriaigiglnlggf ing, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction be punished by Sum; imprisonment not more than ten years, or by fine not exceedinv five thousand dollars. D Src. 6. And be it further enacted, That if any person, whether emca$‘;;,i$°°';§{Q€;· ployed under the United States or not, shall, without authority from the R 1 · . . gw “·i5,Ou; uu- United States, secrete Wlllllll, embezzle, or take and carry away from any

 building, room, office, apartment, vault, safe, or other place where the

‘` keyt med ern l0*ed laced lcd ed ord oeited b th ·t f {lily tool,. ls_ I 7*’ P ) 7_P 7 g " y Oil y O used or iuter§l~ the United btutes, any bed-pxece, bed·plate: roll, plate, die, seal, type, or ilélg: other tool, implement, or thing used. or fitted to be used, in stamping iué {001,,, &c_ to or printing, or in rnaking some other tool or implement used or fitted to gginréieéi ar be used m stamping or prmting, any kind or description of bond, hill, »*Z ‘ note certificate coupon postave stam revenue stam fractional ur any security, ’ ’ ’_ :> p¢_ _ _ pv C Fancy cm-m)ey,&e. Hotc, or other paper, mstrument, obligation, dev1ce, or document, now 3)*; R; ¤€§;*<€ul¥;d authornzed or hereafter to be authorized by law to be printed, stamped, Smeg; S€&l€¢l, pfepefed, issued, uttered, or put in circulation by or on behalf of gp; tal:ingh&c. the United States; or shall, without such authority, so secrete, embezzle, gbl, 8::; I;‘w:$;i or tahe and carry away any paper, parchment, or other material prepared pmpnmd and {D- and intended to be used 1H the making of any or e1ther of such papers, tended to bestrum ts li f s—·· 3;;; ;;;;;·;<;·;¤= L'L¤m`§Z'] S; S.;,·€?6f°5;b$f§'§“Z; ‘Z§kS°§.§’5“S§£i,i a‘Z$8§}‘§Ll; [,C§};‘1`f'§,.2,iYf,iYT currency, or ment, or other material printed or stamped, in whole or in part, and in- I:l;:¥;‘k_§:- gt, tended to be prepared, issued, or putlin circulation, by or on behalf of the ,,,,1 intgudgg fm. United States, as one of the papers, u;:irume;·.t,s, or obligations hercinbeggnprpgzggh and- fore named, or printed or stamped, in whole or in part, in the similitude Huggy, Sw; of any such paper, nnstrument, or obligation, whether it be intended to issue or put the same in circulation or not; such person or persons so ofsfending shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment not exceeding ten years, or by ine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court. For takin Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall take and

§¤0F· carry away, without authority from the United States, from the place

Paws of de; where It has been Bled, lodged, or deposited, or where it may for the time ppgntérapxy paper being actually kept Iby authority of the United States, any certificate, gSngGd°fm_‘:LB*;'(; a{Hdav1t, deposition, written statement of facts, power of attorney, receipt, procure th, pay. voucher, assxgnment., or other document, record, file, or paper, prepared,

  • 3 gfapilsgey fitted, or intended to be used or presented in order to procure the payment

mcyof claims of money from or by the United States, or any officer or agent thereof} ?3¤;;,g1;tos or the allowance or payment of the whole or any part of any claim, whether mm; account, or demand agamst the United States, whether the same has 0I` has not already been so used or presented, and whether such claim, account,