Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/457

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THIRTY—·NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 150, 151. 1867. 427 several districts in both houses of the legislative assembly, but the legisla- District may ture may at any time change the legislative districts of the Territory as b° °h“"€·'°d· fixed by the governor. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all acts passed at the two ses- Certain fennelsions of the so-called legislative assembly of the Territory of Montana, :?*Q1°f;*5$°**éblY held in eighteen hundred and sixty-six, are hereby disapproved and de- cl,,§,gn,,;ii?‘ °` clared null and void, except such acts as the legislative assembly herein authorized to be elected shall by special act in each case re-enact: Pro- Claims for vided, however, That in all claims of vested rights thereunder, the party §:;,°g6:fQ;_ claiming the same shall not, by reason of anything in this section contained, be precluded from making and testing said claim in the courts of said Territory: And provided further, That no legislation or pretended 9¢¤‘*¤i¤l¢zi¤- legislation in said Territory since the adjournment of the first legislative Gfffianuligllugzg assembly shall be deemed valid until the election of the legislative assem- ’ bly herein provided for shall take place. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That from and. after the first day _ S¤lM:»’ of of April next the salary of each of the judges of the several supreme lf2f?; g;,;,':; in courts in each of the organized Territories (except Montana and Idaho) llerritcries, exshall be two thousand five hundred dollars. °°P*· Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts incon- Ropealing sistent with this act are hereby repealed. °l*“$°· Approved, March 2, 1867. HAP. L —-An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to vide a Rm ran G0v· C ;hr;.1;¢'mtC_/b¥·tlw T erretvry of Idaho," approved llfarch three, eglilcen hundredloanzi/sixty- Vol. xii. p. 808. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the judges of the supreme Judges of su, court of said Territory, or a majority of them, shall, when assembled at promo Goqrttp the seat of government of said Territory, define the judicial districts of g$“,;;mél,:d:s_ said Territory, and assign the judges who may be appointed for said Ter- sign judgesfaud ritory to the several districts; and shall also fix and appoint the times °P(l;°*?° *****,9* and places for holding court in the several counties or sub-divisions in ;:1di};,;°:°:u,%:_ each of said judicial districts, and alter the times and places of holding the courts, as to them shall seem proper and convenient. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the next session of the legisla- Sessions of th, tive assembly of the Territory of Idaho shall be held commencing on the l°glSl¤*iV¤ ¤¤- first Monday in December, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and $°mbl" thereafter the legislative assembly of said Territory shall be held bienninlly. And the next election for members of the legislative assembly of Elections for said Territory shall be held on the second Monday in August, A. D. eigh- “‘°mb°”‘ teen hundred and sixty-eight, and thereafter said election shall be held biennially. Sec. 3. And be it j·ir,rther enacted, That the members of the house of Term Orem, representatives of said legislative assembly shall be elected for the term ff *¤<=mbg*‘¤ of af two years; and the members of the council of said legislative assembly °f shall be elected for the term of four years: Provided, That at the first Council;,,,;;,, election hereafter one half of the members of said council shall be elected trim, and elecfor the term of two years, and the remaining half for the term of four ;}$";°‘:fn$£mb°" years; and the districts wherein members of the council are to be elected for the term of two years and the districts wherein members of the council are to be elected for the term of four years at the next election shall be determined by proclamation of the governor of said Territory: Provided, Proviso. That in all counties and election districts which shall be entitled to elect two members of the council, one of said members shall be elected for two years and the other for four years. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts in- Repealing consistent with this act are hereby repealed. °1““S"‘ Approved, March 2, 1867