Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/62

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32 THIREY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch._39, 40, 41, 44. 1866. States, or for any Treasury notes, certificates of indebtedness, or certificates of deposit, or other representatives of value, which have been or which may be issued under any act of Congress, the proceeds thereof to be used only for retiring Treasury notes or other obligations issued under any act f Con ress · but nothinv herein contained shall be construed to authorize

  • i,“°"°“*’“E°t ° · g ’ r it bi — debt Provided That or United states notes

to e increase - an increase o e pu ic : , _ _ _ Limit to nolrmore than ten millions of dollars may be retired and cancelled within ¤¤¤¢>¤¤'¤ Pf ¤°*°¤ six months from the passage of this act, and thereafter not more than four t° Ilzgrgigfegét to millions of dollars in any one month: Amlprovided further, That the act bein force, ex- to which this is an amendment shall continue in full force in all its provi- °°P"· &’°· sions, except as modified by this act. S ta to Sec. 2. And be dt further emu-ted That the Secretary of the Treasury '°P'$rf° gm' shall report to Congress at the corhmcncemeut of the next session the gms’&°` amount of exchanges made or money borrowed under this act, and of whom and on what terms; and also the amount and character of indebtedness retired under this act, and the act to which this is an amendment, with a detailed statement of the expense of making such loans and exchamves. Aiirnovnn, April 12, 1866. APF1U?, l866· CHAP. H.—An Act to gimburse th; State q/ia Pennsylvania for Maneys advanced ji ouemmenz or ar urposes. Penmgylvunin Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzited °° b° '°'“fb“'Y°°d States of America in Congress assembled, That to supply a. deficiency in for money cud _ . to militia, paying the army, under the act of March fourteenth, eighteen hundred l86*·_9_h· 39- and sixty-four, and to reimburse the State of Pennsylvania for money ex- V°l` °“"`p' l2' pended for payment of militia in the service of the United States, the sum of eight hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not other Pi-evise. wise appropriated: Provided, That before the same is paid, the claim of ahrc said State shall be again examined and settled by the Secretary of ar. Approved, April 12, 1866. April 12, 1866. CHAP. XLI.—An Act ctn amend;i;1n Bid to inogzpruzga the M`utuaZ Fire Insurance Ompany 0 {I6 iSt7`l·Ci 0 0 Um {GJ. Charterlef Mu- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uizited

° States of America in Congress assembled, That the third section of an act

amended. entitled "An act to incorporate the Mutual Fire Insurance Company in 1Q;·§·<;h·26é8%3· [of'] the District of C0lumbia," approved on the tenth day ol' January, ‘ 'p’eighteen hundred and fifty-five, be, and the same hereby is, so amended as tp read fifty thousand dollars, in the place of twenty thousand dollars. rrnovsn, April 12, 1866. April 1s, 1866. CHAP. _XLIV.-4n_Acz tc establish the Collection District q`Pm·t Huron, the Collectwn Dtstrzct of Mzchrgan, the Collection District of Montana and Idaho, and to change the Name of the Collection District of Penobscot. _Co1lectio¤_Dis- Be it enactedlby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

)¤:°iz*L2<;`;§l:‘ States of Amcrtcq m Congress assembled, That a new collection district.,

' to be called the district of Port Huron, be, and the same is hereby, established in the State oi Michigan, which shall embrace the mouth and entire s}10re of the1S§unt Clair raver, and the counties of Saint Clair, Lapceié, usco a, an agmaw, an all the territory and waters of the State 0 Michigan lying north of said counties and east of the principal meridian; and st collector shall be appointed to reside at Port Huron, which shall be Pu of collector. the sole port of entry for said district. And the said collector shall receive the samelcompensation provided for the collectors of Pcmbina, Chicago, and certain other ports, by the second section of the act entitled "An