Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/856

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826 INDEX. A peals, (continued. Appraisers, P from judgments) of justices of the peace per diem compensation of, not increased in the District of Columbia, not to be by certain act . . .. . .. 309 allowed, unless, &.c .. 403 general and local (pay of} at Baltimore, proceedings in the appellate court upon Boston, New reans, Philadelphia, such appeals ... 403 Portland, and San Francisco, estabin bankruptcy proceedings . 520 lished .,... 308 from district court to circuit courts .. 520 Appraiser? Stores, notice thereof within ten days to appmipriations for constructing fire-proof clerk and to assignee or creditor 520 in hiladelphia . . ... 461 when to be entered . . .. 520 Appropriations, may be waived in writing before de- for the army, civil expenses, consular and cision thereon .. 520 diplomatic expenses, fortifications, Inboud to be given before allowance of 520 diau department, legislative, &»c., navy, none allowed to Supreme Court of the pension, and post-office department, see United States, unless matter in dispute those Titles. exceeds $2,000 . , 520, 521 for invalid and other pensions .2, 398 general orders regulating the practice and for expenses of the removal of the library procedure upon .. . ... 521 of the Smithsonian Institution. ... 13 by creditors from decree of district court, for deficiencies in civil expenses, for the disallowing claims .. 528 year ending June 30, 1866 . 14, 324 to the Supreme Court of the United for deficiency in pay of the army, and to States already taken from districts in reimburse Pennsylvania for money paid which the sessions of the courts have to the militia ,...,.. 32 been interrupted by insurrection or re- for the naval service, for the years ending bellion, to be valid, Sec. . 545 June 30, 1867, and June 30, 1868. .33, 489 may be brought within one year 545 deficiency for public printing, for the year act not to apply to certain cases 545 ending June 30, 1866 .. . . 41 to circuit courts from district courts may, for Post-Office Department, for the years if parties agree, be disposed of at cn-- endingJuue 30, 1866, 1867,and 1868 48, 393 cuit court held by district judge, in the for support of the military academy. . . 58, 415 absence of the circuit judge .. 545 for deficiencies for contingent expenses of Appendix the House of Representatives .. 59, 393 to diplomatic correspondence for 1865, ad- to reimburse the State of West Virginia ditional copies to be printed . . 570 for moneys expended .. .. 68 how to be bound and distributed 570 for repair, preservation, completion, and Appleton, Charles, construction of certain public works.7O, 418 pension of, increased .. _ 623 for Rock Island arsenal 76 Appointments for support of the army, for years ending of volunteer officers and soldiers to be June 30, 1867, and June 30, 1868. .90, 485 distributed proportionately among the for pay of officers, &c. in the office of corn— States, &c · . . 333 missioner of internal revenue . 170 this not to a ply to California, Ore- for legislative, executive, and judicial exgon, and bfevadn. ... 333 penses of the government 191, 440 to the army to be made from qualifica- to pay certain infbrmers their part of tions and services. . ...,. . . .. 336 fines, penalties, and forfcitures . . .. 208 not to be made from those who have to purchase certain Indian annuity goods served in the military, naval, or civil in lieu of those destroyed by fire. . 208 service of the so-called confederste for the consular and diplomatic ex- States .. ; .. 337 penses . 224, 412 to the military academy, provisions re- for the construction of a jail in and for specting 359, 360 the District of Columbia . 231 to the military academy, repeal of resolu- for a House of Correction for boys in the tion in regard to mode of 487 District of Columbia ... . 284 Appraisement, to rude East Capitol street and establish of property seized for forfeiture .. 180, 181 iincoln Square . 251 of ingported merchandise at the port for the current and contingent expenses of ew York, provisions concerning.. 302, of therlndian Department, and fulfilling 304 treaty stipulation with Indian tribes 2535, 492 appointment, duties, &c. of appraiser, to reimburse Nebraska for expenses i¤· assistant appraisers, examiners, &c,. . 302, curred in repelling Indian hostilities. . . 307 303 for civil expenses of government 310, 457 officers may be required to work more for deficiencies in appropriations for the than business hours .,... 304 service of the government, for the year Apprazser ending June 30, 1866 324 of imported merchandise appointed at to supply deficiencies in the service of the New York in lieu of the appraisers government, for the year ending June now authorized by law .. 302 30, 1867 ... 373, 468 qualifications, oath, duties . 302 to pay the rewards offered for the capture when and how he may act by deputy. 302 of the assassins of the President and compensation of; and to be paid monthly. . 302 Secretary of State ... . .. 341 not to be engaged in mercantile busi- for carrying the mail on the pest roads, ness . . 303 established at this session of C0n· clerks, &c. in office of, their pay, &c. 303 gress ... 342, 348