Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/937

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INDEX. 907 Lahrary of Congress, (continued.) Lzfe-Boats, non stairways, repairs, and new skylight. 469 on passenger vessels, to be provided with a certain surplus fund under contract for suitable boat-diseugaging apparatus. . . 228 a picture by W. H. Powell, transferred Lnfe-Boat, Stations, Qc., to purchase books for the .. .. 470 appropriations for . 312, 313, 827 law library of the late James L. Petigru Lighthouse. See Morocco. to be bought for 365 at Cape Spartel, the direction of the, to transfer of fbrmcr appropriations.23, 193,314 devolve upon the United States and extension of building for .. 317 other contracting powers ... . . 680 Licenses, the sovereignty ot, to remain in the Sulfor sale of intoxicating drinks in the Dis- tau of Morocco . , .. 680 trict of Columbia, provisions concern- the expenses of management to be borne ing ... 213 by the contracting powers 680 of engineers and pilots, when may be re- to be continued by them even in casa voked . 227 of war ... . 680 to trade with the Choctaws and Chicka- of repairs and reconstruction by the saws .. . 779, 782 Sultan .,.. 680 with the Cherukees ... 801 the Sultan to furnish guard for security License Taxes, of .. . 680 certain, of wholesale dealers may be re- rules and regulations fo.- the service and funded .' ... ; ... 301 superintendence of the . .. 680, 681 Lkn, Lighthouse Board, tux on raw cotton to be n lien on the cot- appropriations for the office of the. .195, 197, ton in whosesoever hands, until paid . . 98 445, 446 after demand and notrpayment, a contingent expenses of 324 lien on all property and rights of to make survey if; &c. of or near Crossproperty . .. 107 ledge Shoal 425 parties claiming, on imported goods, to be to report, with estimates, to next Connotified bcfore delivery to owners . 182 gress us to erecting lighthouse thereon 425 possession by ohicers, not to dis- may apply nnexpcndctl balances to conchnrge 182 struct similar works on Pacific coast United States not liable for failure authorized by Congress, &c. . .. . .. 466 to notity . .. 182 may purchase sites for lighthouses, &c. for freight on imported tnerchandise in when, &c ... . . . . 466 custody of collector, when notified there- to erect permanent beacons in lower bay of in writing, collector may refuse the of New York. .. 470 delivery of the merchandise, until Lighthouse Establishment, freight is paid or secured .. 547 appropriation for the expenses of the. .15, 16, Lkns, 311 -313, 457 -460 proceedings to enforce in the District of certain superintendents of lights not to Columbia, to be by bill, Sw. in equity.. 404 receive commissions for disbursements form and effect of decree in such for 466 cases . .. . .. 404 Lighthouses, ;$·c. provision as to discharge by assignee of appropriations for . 312, 313 those created by bankrupt . . ._ . 523, 524 for reestablishing on southern coast. , 313 persons holding, on any property of bank- Secretary of the Treasury to contract for rupts, may prove balance against estate 526 the building of, at certain points, at not Sue Bankruptcy. 0\'C1` it certain cost .. 425 Lkn, Tncit, contract to be made with lowest bidder, landlord to have, in the District of Co- upon sufficient security, after advertiselumbia, upon certain personal chattels ment for proposals . . 425 0f his tenant for rent ... 404 salaries of keepers of, to be regulated by when to commence and how long to con- the Secretary ol' the '1`rca<ut·y 425 tinue . 404 average not to exceed S 600 for each bow may be enforced .. 404 keeper 426 Lieutemmt·Commanders, Lighthouses and Lighted Bazuzuns, number of grade of, in the navy, estab- appropriation for salaries of keepers of', lished. ...,. , .. . 222 &.c ... . .,.. 458 may he a<signed to what duty .. 2:23 repairs, renovations, and rebuilding incro isc in grade how made 222 453 - 460 five may be appointed from naval volun- building of new .. 460 teer service .. . . 222 provision as to purchase of sites for . 466 Lieutenant- General, application of unexpendcd balances for, stat? allowed to .. 223 on the Pacific const . 468 two aids and n. milimry secretary. ... 223 Lighting Buildings, Grounds, und Sweets, their rank and pay ... 223 appropriations for the .. 18, 314, 315, 325, one of the army, pay, emoluments and 462-464 staff .. 333 corporation of Washington, how to light Lieutennnls, their lamps and for what time 462 number of grade of, in the navy estab- dome of capitol. .. 463 lished. 222 rotunda of capitol with gas 464 increase in grade, how made ... 222 Lights, _ _ twenty may be appointed from naval vol- f"orcmast—head light only on ocean-going untecr service .. 222 steamers and those carrying sail .. 228