Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/939

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INDEX. 909 Lumphrey, Oliver, Mandams, ayment to, as first lieutenant of cavalry 59 appropriations for the . 493 Lynch, Frank, Mangfuts, pension_t0:. . 596 provisions of law as to, to apply to ves- [gon, Francis .5., I I eels owned by foreigners . 184 release to, of the interest of the United stamp duty on, not to apply to vessels States in certain land in Alabama · 40 pietweerk United States and British ortn mcrica ... . 475 M Mann, William, I I ° applicaeign of} for extension of patent aeziner , ma considered .. 625 for {lie manufacture of sugar from beets tl; be published .. 626 to be free of duty for one year. . . . 330 intervenin rights ... . 626 to he free of duty 571 Manual-Labor Schrxil, Machinery, Fixtures, Jr:. upon Isabella reservation of the Chippeat branch mints at New Orleans, Charlotte, was, provisions concerning ... 658, 659 and Duhlonega may be removed to board of visitors for .. 659 other branch mints or sold . . 203 for orphan children of the Creek nation . 788 Madison, James, _ Manual·Labw Schools and Colleges, respllutiorp dir0ct;ng the distribution of 348 ceituin products of, not exempt from t 0 wrl ings 0 ... . .. . .. axaticn ... 475 M ezine, not to a a manul'u,eturers’ tux or s agsite and building {br, for storing gun- clnl tiixilwhile, &c . . .. 152 ' 'powder . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 1W0h1w1C!!!?:!!"!, Magwzenlze, 1/re Brmsh Vessel, _ definition of, and special tax on 119 payment to owners of, and shippers of to render an account of full amount of cargo by .. . ... 601 actual sales 122 amount how to be distributed .. 601 to state quantity used or consumed hy, Llahe, Se_ycl»elle Islands, and what used for another mzmufacture 122 consulate established at, and added to the market value, and whether goods schedule B . 414 were shipped or consigned ... 122 salary of consul at ... 414 to make a return, and ut what value . 122 Mail Service, value and quantity to be estimated by deficiency appropriation for, for 1866 . . . . 321 actual sales 123 between San Francisco and Portland, au- bow estimated when goods nrc not thorizcd ... 566 in the custody ol' ... 123 cost not to exceed $ 25,000 . 566 of tobacco, snutl', or cigars 123 — 127 bids and contracts therefor . 566 Sec Tobacco, gm. Mail Steamship Service, those offering for sale the articles named appropriations for .. . . . . 49, 394 in schedule C, to be deemed the munu— between New York and Caliiornia. . 49 facturcrs of 144 between the United States and Bra- additional penalty upon, for selling, &e. nil .. 49, 342, 394 without a stamp, articles required to be between San Francisco and China stumped . .. 472 and Japan .. 49, 394 amount of tax omitted within two years vessels not to touch at Honolulu 394 to be estimated, &c. . 472 branch line from Japan to Sheng- M¤.mg"actures, hue . 394 statistics of, to be prepared by the direcmonthly authorizes} between San Fran- for of the bureau o statistics 331 cisco and Honolulu. .. . . . . . . 543 all, except refined petroleum, refined coulproposals for contract for, to be ad- oil, cotton, gold and silver, spirituous vertiscd ... . . . . 543 and malt liquors, manufiictnrcd tocontract with lewcst bidder . 543, 544 baceo, snufli and cigars, exempt from certain bids not to be considered 543, 544 tax when the product does not exceed vessels to be firsbcluss American sea- the rate of $1,000 a year, and are going steumships ... 543 made by the labor, &e. .. 127 to be inspected before they are this exemption not to apply to eofacccpted for the service .. 544 fee, ground spices, and dry museontract, w ren to Fo into effect 544 tard, and substitutes therefor . 129 stipulations ticrcof ... 544 when the product exceeds $1,000 but is may be terminated if assigned or not over $8,000, the tax is on tho exunderlet ... 544 cess over $1,000 . . . . 127 Maine, in all other cases the whole annual prodpost-roads established in . 6, 280 act is taxed r ... 127 Jfujor-Generals, tux to be pmd by tho producer 01* five of the army, their pay, emolumeuts, manufacturer .. 127 and stail .. 388 if reducer uses or consumes, or removes, Malccnhs, _ _ gr consumption or use, any articles appropriations for the .. 266, 501, 502 liable to tax, he shall pay e tax on the Malicwus, Q1:. Destruction, salablo value of such articles .. . . . 127 of bank bills, notes, stocks, &c. in the naphtha exempt when, &c...: . .= 127 M I District of Columbia, punishment of 400, 407 tay; on certain, unless otherwise provpggd 133 a la, or — pay of consul st, established , . ...,. 225 See Internal Revenue, p. 890.