Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/941

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INDEX. 911 Measurer, Metric System, office ol`, at the port of New York, abol- of weights and measures, use 0L authorized 339 ishud . . 289 tables of equivalents. . ... , .339, 340 duties ol, to be performed by weighors. .. 289 postal balances denominated in grams of, Measures, Weights and, to be fumished certain post-offices 801 the use of the metric system ot', author- equivalent of the hall'·onnee in grams 801 ized .. . . . . . . . . 339 set of standard xveights and measures of, tables of eznivnlents . _. , . ... 339, 340 to be furnished to ench State . 869 Mee/iunics and uborers, Metropolitan Mizzing and Illmngjircturinq Company, on public works, payments to, not to be act of incorporation of . 217, 218 deemed income .. M0, 480 general provisions of ... 217, 2l8 et navy·yards not to W discharged for Metropolitan Police in tI4p l)ish·ict of Columbia, political opinions. . , . .. . 492 appropriation for expenses of ... 206, 456 Medals, pay of, increased filly per ecnt . 206 certain, mny be sent free through the how to be borne .. 206 muils by the State of Ohio to its vet- special tax therefor ... 206 cran soldiers . . . 356 increase of pay of 321 muy he sent free through the mails to eer- how to be borne, und tux therefor. . . 321 tain honorubly discharged soldiers of title of officers of . 2l2 West Virginia, by the udjutant-general additional officersund men authorized 212, 213 of that stuw . . .. . . . 563 uniform of ... 213 envelope cnclosingiq, to be franked by the property clerk el, to have power of notary Adjutant-genera 563 public 213 Medawakemlons, powers and duties of .. 2l3 npyropriutions for the .. 279, 514 provisions as to property held ns the pro- Medicu and llaspiml Department, cceds of crime, or lbr evidence . 2l8, 2l4 of army, appropriation for . . . . . 91 as to detective officers in the District Mediwl and Suvyieal History of the Rebellion, of Columbia . .. 214 appropriation for volume one . . . 310 appropriations for salaries of increased edition how to be disposed of ... Bll force , . 374 engraving and lithogruplxing for. . . . 311 pay of increased force, increased 374 Medical Department, how to be borne .. 374 of the arm y, hercuf ter to consist of, &c. 334, 335 sycciul tax therefor uuthorizesl .. 374 hospital stewards to be permanently at- pay o Q incrcuscd fifty per cent {rom July utched tc. . 335 1, 1867 456 Medical Statistics, increase to be borne by the cities of of provost-murslrnl-generul's bureau, ep· Washington and Georgetown, and roprintion for preparing, &c . 311 in what proportion ... 456, 457 Medical S!ow·keepe»·s, levy eonrt of county, muy levy u number and puy of ... . 335 special tax therefor . 457 Medical Works, no person to be appointed policeman or appropriation for purchase of . . 485 watchman, who has not served in army Medicine and Surqcrjy, or navy, and received un honorable disappropriations for bureau of 34, 200, 201, charge 457 450, 451, 491 Metropolitan Railroad Company, additional clerks in, authorized ..,.. 208 in Washington, D. C., time of complet.- Medmn, Patrick, ing pnrt of line extended lor three yeusion to ... 625 years from Junuury 1, 1860 · .. 440 Medaregs of Creditors. See Bankruptcy. Mcximn Grantecs, in proceedings under the bankruptcy uct, purchasers of lands from, in Culifornin., if not culled in due time by asstgnee, provisions concerning 220, 22l court muy order the culling of 531 Menzies, Lhmorandum appropriations for the . 260, 261, 502, 515 of sules by brokers, &c., stamp tux on,. . 184, to whom only to be paid ... . . . 515 145 Miantoncrixula, T/ae Iron-clad, Memorial Tablets and Mural Monuments, officers of, muy accept presents from the appropriation lbr . 59 Emperor of Russia . . ._ .. 646 Mcnamoneex, presents may be admitted duty free. . 646 appropriations for the . 258, 260, 502 lmehiqan, _ Muioriiones, collection district of; established ... 32, 33 appropriations for the . 494 to include what .. 33 Jllcrcluuzdise, collector to be appointed, und port of in lormer revenue wet to moan " goods, entry designated .,.. 33 wares, and merchandise " 180 time of reversion of certnin public lunds Messenger. See Bankruptcy. grunted to, for uid of railroad from iu proceedings under the bankruptcy act 521, Amboy to Traverse Buy, extended 78 537 when the State may t-onihr the grunt word to include assistants, except, Cnc. .. 540 upon any other ruilrond . 78 fee: on and how to be paid 540 those railroads having grunts of lands penalty against, for offences under the may construct a single line of road bankruptcy act . 539 for any part of routes ... 79 Meters. See Internal Revenue. grant of inn s to, for the use of the “Lac Secretary of Treasury may adopt for tcsh La Belle Harbor Improvement Coming spirits subject to tux, &c. . . . . 481 pany" for shrp canal ... 80