Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/946

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916 INDEX. National Asylum jbr Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, National Cerwteries, (continued.) (continued.) fcc simple thereoi upon payment property of the United States ut Point therefor, to be vested m the Umccd Lookout, Maryland, to belong to the States . 400, 401 asylum, when, &c . · .. ll jurisdiction of the United State-s over wc: establishing, may be altered, &c. .. ll such real estate no be exolusive. .. 401 certain property of the United States may owners to bedpaid the upprmscd vaiuc 401 be transferred to the . . . . 564 appropriation un or this ac: 401 Erasmus B. \Volc0rt and John S. Cavan- National urrenqy, dcqappoiutcd managcroi tofill vacnn- appropriation for plates, printing, &c. cies ... 563 and paper for notes . 25 National Banking Associations, no portrait of any living person to be may hold temporary loan certificates _ placcgi thereon .. . .. 25 issued for redemption of compound- Nazzonul Fazr, imcrest notes as par: of their reserve. . 558 for So1diers’ and Suii0rs’ Orphan Home, two fifrhs of reserve ofQ to be lawful money 558 use of lumber grgmed to, &c.: ... 356 excess of duties or tax paid by, to be re- Nulional Hmrie for S0/dzers’ and Sa1lors’ Orfunded . , .. . ... 572 phans, National Banks, blankets, bedding, and stores in surzoonnot. taxed by section 1iO internal revenue gemcral’s department, not needed for law as amended 137 government usa, may be transfcrrud Natz`0nul Capitol Insurance Company, to Secretary of War to dctcrmino act to incorporate the . . ... 556 amount and character of stores to bc corporate powers. 556 given . 351 may make insurance upon lives and National Sajé Deposit Company of Washington, against accidents ... 556 incorporated . 378 directors, by-laws .. . .. 556 seal and powers. ... . . 378 annual and other meetings 556 capital stock and subscrip:ionszhcroco 378,379 proxies, vacancies 556 howto be in vested . ... 379 President and other officers. ... 556 directors, choice, and number of 379 funds how to be invested ... . . . 557 vacancies in, how iilied 379 stockholders not personally liable beyond President and Vice·l.’residsm .. 379 amount of stock subscribed and uu- powers, duties, and privileges of 379 divided profits . . ... 557 y-laws, dividends, &c . 379 suits to collect assessments upon stock. . 557 uoc to issue or circulate bills of its own as cxecunivc commiztcc to exercise all the currency . ... . . 379 powers vested in the company, when, &c. 557 nor pay interest on deposits 379 capital, amount of, and to be paid in bc— operations to be coniiucd to the District fore efccting insurance .. 557 of Columbia. ... 379 dividends, capital stock not to be im- National Soldiers’ and Sui/m·s’ Orplzmz llama, paired by .. . . . . 557 act of incorporation of. . .. . . . . ,247, 248 Iocmion of company, agcncics . 557 act of incorporation of, amended. . .. 401 annual report 557 board of trustees of, their number, duties smtemonc of profits, losses, &c. to be pub- and powers 401 lished .,.. . 557 quorum, vacancies 401 National Cemeteries, board of lady managers, election, number, appropiimzions to purchase sims for . 3IO term of officc, powers and dmies .. 401 superintendent to each 333 vacancies, by-laws, &c , 401 for the burial of deceased soldiers and parents or guardians may xvichdmw chzisailors, and to establish and protect. . . 399 dren .. , ... 401 to be enclosed with subszamiul fonoo 399 minors, over sixteen years of age, miiy he graves to be marked, and how .. 399 discharged at their own request. , . 401 register of burials to be kept, and to set repeal of inconsistent provisions 401 tbrth what ... . . 399 .N`ati0mzl Theological lnstiluie, p0rt,cr’s lodge to be erected at principal incorporated . . 45 entrance of each 400 ixs purposes and powcns ... 45 superintendent, how selected, pay, &c.. . . 400 odiccrs, by-iaws, and propcrcv. , 45 an officer no be detailed to inspect come- theological belief not to exclude from. .. 45 tcries annually and make reports . 400 name oi changed to that of "'1`h<> National reports to be submitted to CongressTheological Institute: and Universi:y". 440 with estimates .. 400 may hold property noo exceeding 3250,000 penalty for wilfully defaoiug, removing, in value. .. . ,.. 440 &c. any structure, or injuring, &c. any ma extend its instructions to oxhers than shrub, &c. in any national cemetery. .. 400 tiioso connected wixh the Christian prosecution to be made, where . , . . . 400 Ministry, confer dcgmcs, &c .. 440 superintendent may arrest any per- Nautical Almanac, American, sons committing any such act, mko appro rimions for .. 87, 490 them before certain magistrates and Nautical Jocks, there make complaint ,,.,... 400 to be published and furnished at cost 67 Secretary of War may purchase or take Navajos, any mai estate necessary for national appropriations for the . 279 514 comet/mcs 400 no supplies or rations to be furnished xo, proceedings whore real astute is on- shot July 1, 1867, except in cnscs of tcrcd upon and appropriated . 400 extreme necessity ...,.. . 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