Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/270

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238 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 266, 267, 268, 269. 1868. jgly 27, 1868. CHAP. CCLXVI. -An Act to correct an Error in the Enrolment J the "An1imp0_,. ing Taxes on distilled Spirits and Tobacco, and for other Purposes." Be it enacted @ the Senate and House of Representatives of the United “Y§;*;;:%;'€°*· States of America in Congress assembled, That the last clause of the 1868 ch 186 iirsz sentence of section fortay-eight: of the “Act imposing taxes on dis- $48- tillod spirims and tobacco, and for other purp0ses," approved July nwen- A'“‘· P‘1‘“· tieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, be amended so that it will read; " ; or three dollars per dozen bottles, each bottle containing not more than one pint,"etc., instead of “each bottle containing more than one pint," etc. ; the word “ not " having been omitted in the enrolment of the act. A1>1·R0vm>, July 27, 1868. Jul? 27, 1868· CHAP. CCLXVII. -—An Act amendat 0 an Act entitled "An Act nt' ’ 'T§ Lands to the State of Wisconsin, to aid?: {{4 Construction M RaUrmds%?sa%£;g$ VDL XL p 2(L approved June 3, 1856.

 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Z/Wailea!

tm£h:flW;;;:L States of America in Obngress assembled, That it shall and may be law- ,;,, muy digp0sg ful for the legasleture of the State of Wisconsin to dispose of the lands tq; <;%¤2*3g $¤:iZf granted end whxch may have enured and been certifxed to the State of the wisconsin Wmconsm under the acc of Congress approved June third, eighteen hun- Ruilroad Fsmn dred and fifty-six, to aid in the construction of :1 railroad “ from Madison g;*"K**S° mud or Columbus, by way of Portage City to the Saint Croix river or lake, between township twenty-five and thirty-one," and commonly known as La grosse 3i1d Milwanfwe ragzroad, for the benefit of the Wisconsin Railroad arm ortgagc and m an , existin under and b virtue of the P¤'°Vi¤°· laws of Wisconsin: Provided? hogvever, Tl5m this act shan apply only to suclg laindsfs may re gue the State of Wisconsin for the portion of said roa 2. rea y comp ete . APPROVED, July 27, 1868. ~!E£>.L?L.L@; cum. ccLxv;11.-in ,1;; grarégg the Right;/` IQ to mia Railway Compamcs aver he mz may ervazion at art venwemt .

 B0 it enacted  bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
5:§¤: <;£ mY Slate: of America in Congress assembled, That the right of way, not exremQmuun M ceeding one hundred Feet in width, is hereby granted to tho Leavenworth

Fm Lonvon- and Des Moines Railway Company, a corporation created under the laws

 of the State of Missouri, to construct, and operate sa, railway across the milnmx bes Moines 1{ury reservation at Fort Leavenworth, on the east. side of the Missouri

Railway Com- mvor, upon 21 line to be designated and fixed by fhe Secretary of WVm·. p“&vjmW@n Sec. 2. And be it jiu·ther enucted, That the right of way, not exceedworth, Anomson, ing one hundred Feet in width, is hereby granted to the Leavenworth, At gg;} chnson and Northwcstoxzn Railway Company, a corporation created under Company; the laws of the Stone of Kansas}, to construct and operate an railroad across and over the m1luzar:yreservat1o¤ at Fort Leavenworth, in the State of ¤»—~~·. $$“€$2T¥·“¥£E»?.}iZ l*FZ§li?*1‘£§ b$if}“E?““‘Z°1 ’“‘{dS"“{ by “1" S€"" ‘?E€`* ’ · , s. , m n sm no cons rue , wx nm one year from the passage of this act, a rzglwzy from the city of Leavenworth to the city of Atchison, then, and in that case, a like privilege is Eefcby CO!l?gl`1‘f3g upon any other company that shall construct a railway e ween san ox IBS. AP1’1{OVIiD, July 27, 1868.

 CHAP. CCLXIX. — fn get cjznatingy en Pegtionffthe £Z'ortA}eaz·enw0rt/z militayy Reservuzcn ur exc uswe seo apu ic cad.
£a it czzctce by {the Senate and House @‘ Répresen1;atives of the United

Pm of Fm es ry' mejzca. m Congress assembled, Phat a bmp of land one hungmspwoygh drcd feet un fvxdth along e{long the southern boundary of the Fort Leav- Y *°5<>¤”V¤— en worth m1l1tz1ry reservutxon, m the State of Kansas, extending from th6