Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/4

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iv LIST OF THE PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Fw Imliana and Ohio. An act to reimburse the States of Indlnrm {md Qhjo for moncyspxpcndcd for the United Smtcs in enrolling, equnppmg, and provrsnoning mxlma forccs to md m supplemsing the rebellion. March 29, 1867, ch. 14 . 9 .Amerz`can Ailautic Ozble Company. An act to grant 1:0 tho American Atlantic Cable 'l`clcgmph Company, of New York, the right of way and Krxvdegc to la1y,1uud, and opcrnw a submarine telegraph cable on cho Athmnic coast: of tz c United §tu.tcs, and estabhsh wlcgmpln communication bctwcon the United Scams and Europe vui the Bcrmudns and Azores Islands. March 29, 1867, ch. 15 .. . 10 Chester, Pa., made a Port of Delivery. An not to establish a port of delivery at Chester, Pennsylvania. March 29, 1867, ch. 16 . . .. 10 Patent Qjfice. An ac: to increase the force in tho Patent; Officé. March 29, 1867, ch. 17 l0 Lincoln Monument Association. An act to `incorporatc the Lincoln Monument Association. March 29, 1867, ch. 18 ... 11 lVa!c/amen, Capitol Police, Unfyrms, §~c. An act to authorize the appointment of certain watchmcu, and lor other purposes. March 30, 1867, ch. 20. ll Colorado Territory. An acc mncndatory of the organic act of Colorado Territory. March 30, 1867, ch. 21 ...,...,. National ·Snldiers’mzd Sailors' Orphan Home. A11 act: {hr tho support in gmr: of due National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Homo in the District of Columbia. li\l'k‘l`l 30, 1867, ch. 22.. 13 Agrzbulturul C'ollqqei1z4VeIxrz1.ska. An act extending to the State of Nebraska. tho provisions of an uct rcluting to zngriculuxml colleges. March 30, 1867, ch. 23 . . 13 Public Grmmds. Capitol Building. An act to provide in part for grading the public grounds, and for other purposes. Murch 30, 1867, ch. 24 . . . . . ... . . 13 Printing in Trwszuy Department. An actsupplcmcnmry to uu uccentihlcd "An Act making; Appro- ` priunious thr Sundry Civil Expcnscs of the Government for tho year c11din<,; Juno thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-ciglut, and for other Purposes," passed March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. July 19, 1867, ch. 27 ... 13 Certain Soldiers and Shi/ars not to be dmnell Deserzem. An act for tho relief of certain soldiers and sailors therein designated. July 19, 1867, ch. 28 14 P0sl~I?muIs. An acm to csmhlish ccrmin post;-roads. July 19, l867, ch. 29 14 Reid Slulns. An ac: supplumonmwy to an uct, cntitlcd "An Act; to provide for the more clliciom: Govcrnmonm of who Rebel Sums," passed ou the second day of March, eighteen hundred and snxzy-seven, und the act supplcmcnmry thereto, passed on tho uvcmy-zhird day of March, cnghtccn hundred and sixty-seven. July 19, 1867, ch. 30 . . .. 14 Hostile ludian Il9·z`bos. An not to csmblislx pcncc with ccrtaiu hostile Indian tribes. July 20, 1867, c 1. 32 .. 17 Claims Cvmwuzion with Vcnczuvla. An acs to carry into cffcct the convention with the republic of Vcnuzuolu for El'l0 ll.ll |\1SlmCl'lC of claims of citizens of the United States on the Government of thm; vcpuhlxc, July 20, 1867, ch. 33 18 Ylcatieg with Indians. Ah act mmmdzm Lory of “An Actmnking Appropriations to supply Deficiencies ll) the A])])l`Of)l`|lll.l0l'|S for Contingent Expenses of the Scnutc of the United Smtcs for the liscul year ending Juno thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and for other Purposes," July 20, 1867, ch. 34 . 18 PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS. [No. I.] Universal Exhibition at Paris. A resolution supplementary to other joint rosoluticns to cmxblc the [imple of the United. Smtcs to participate in cho a<lva.nmgcs of the Universal Exhibition at ’uris, in 1867. March 12, 1867 . .. 19 [N0. 2.] Fox and lVIsr0nsin Rivers. A resolution extcmling the time for nhs: completion of the improvcmcm: of tho Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. March 12, 1867 20 [No. ah George Pmbcdy. Arosolutiou presenting nhc thanks of Congress to George Peabody. arch X6, 1867 ... 20 [N0. 4.] Freedman in thu District of Columbia. A resolution for the relief of frccdmcn or dcstizuto colored pcoplc in tho District of Columbia. lllluull 16, 1867 . .. . ., 20 [N0. 5.] Iliscriruinaiing I)wti¢=s. Joint resolution EO authorize the rcfundin;;# of discriminating duties cxucxcd upon mcrclx:xn¢liscimport:c¤l in Iluwuiirm vessels. March 22, 1867 21 [No. 6.] Spccfahl dvpnsfl of Coin and Bullion. Joint resolution in rclution to certain coin amlbullion on special (lOl10h1lb1X1 the trcnsury. March 22, 1867 ... . .. 21 [N0. 7 Nalionaxl Asylum for disabled Vvluuleer Soldiers. Joint resolution authonizing the Sccrcmry ol War to rurxl ovcr certain oropcrty of nhc United Smres, an Camp Chase, Ohio, for ggmuicgf Qznxntnonad asylum for dnsnblcd voluntccr soldiers, and for ochcr purposes. c ..., . .. . . . 21 [No. 8.] (1rmzduLong Wools. Joint resolrntiou to supply m10mis<i0n in the cnrolmcnm of the

 ;\¢Tgg> pn·ov1<lu Incarcasod Rcvcnue from Imported Wool, and for other Purposes." March

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