Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/559

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TREATY. WITH THE MIAMIES. FEBRUARY 23, 1867. 527 thousand eight hundred and fourteen dollars and forty cents, as more particularly stated and described in the schedule annexed to this treaty marked ‘A’ " ; and insert in lieu thereof: “and the Secretary of the Inte- . rior is hereby authorized and required to appoint three persons whose duty it shall be to ascertain and report to the department the amount of money, it' any, duo by the United States to the W'yand0tt[e] Indians mdcr existing treaty stipulations, and the items mentioned in schedule A, appended to this treaty, and the report of the persons so appointed, with the evidence taken, shall be submitted to‘C0¤gress for action at its next session. Anmcmc XIV. Strike out the following words; “ and the United States M- XW- further agree to pay to the said Wyand0tt[e]s the sum of eleven th0u· ’m°’ pm" sand seven hundred and twenty-seven dollars and seventy-four cents, being the amount of taxes levied under the authority of the State of Kansas, contrary to the terms of the treaty of one thousand eight hundred and Hfly-five, previous to the organization of the State government and {br five years tlxeweaftcr, in consideration of which the said Wys.n<l0tt[e]s, receiving their portion of the said sum, shall in each case relinquish in writing by themselves, or through the Delaware agent as their guardian, all further claims against the United States as to matters relating to the said taxes." ARTICLE XVIII. Strike out the following words: “ such amount, not Arr. XVIII. exceeding ten thousand dollars, as may be found justly due to individual A"‘°· P· 51** Ottawas, {br depredations and damages upon their property during the late wm-, the proof of such losses to be furnished to the Secretary of the Interior, and such amount shall be paid as may be adjudged by him to be equitably due ; and." AIITICLE XXIV. Strike out the following words: "a¤d if any amount Arc. XXIV. is found to be due, such balance, together with the interest of their in- A”‘°· P- 519- vested funds, shall be paid to them upon the first of July, one thousand eight hundreel and sixty-seven " ; and insertln lieu thereof': “ and reported to C0ngrress." Amrxcmz XXV. Strike out the following words: “and if such taxes arc Aff- XX]/'· decided to be lawful, then the government will redeem the said lands A'"c’l°"’20' from all taxes, down to the date of any deeds approved by the Secretary 0f the Interior; in consideration of which relief to the Indians, they hcx·al>y relinquish ull right to payment fl·0m the government of any claims for damages to and duprcda.tions upon their property, made by parties who claim under such mx titles, and also all claims for damages on account of unfairness of the sales of their lands in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. Strike out the whole of articles twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty- Art. XXIX. two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty- £;?e:’$?E·1 533 eight, thirty-nine, mad Zll)1`lZ)'-OIIC. Strike out schedule A. Schedule A. Attcst: GEO. C. GORHAM, A"t°* P‘ 52* Secretary. And whereas the foregoing amendments having been fully explained  ;:LYé§d£><*¤¥¤ and interpreted to the duly authorized cllicfs, delegates, cmd hcadmen S ' of the Svnecas, mixed Senccas and Shawnces, Quapaws, confcderatcd Pcorias, ICnslmsl<ias, lVcas, and Pimxkeslnmvs, Ottowas of Bl3.HCll3Td’S Fork and Roche dc Bmuf and certain \Vyzmd0ttcs, they did respectively, on the first, seventh, eighth, and Hfleemh days of Sqxcmbcr, one thousand eight hundred smd sixty-aight, give their free and voluntary assent to the said amendments in a writing. which, after relating the aforesaid action of the Scnutc, reciting its said proposed amendments, and Féllgiltlflg the provi~icms of the ikmieth article of the said treaty, concludes in the words and figures ibllowing, to wit: -