Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/843

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INDEX. 811 Secretary of the Interior, (continued.) Secretary of the Treasury, (contmued.) to cancel contract with Dempsey and may employ additional clerks to facilitate O Toole for supplyrngihe Departmept payment of soldiers’ bounties . 43 of the Internor and its bureau with preference to be given to certain solstationery ,... . 344 diers and sailors. .. . .. . . 48 not to receive or pay for certain bond to provide adequate and convenient rooms 43 paper . 348 to make regulations as to payment of to withhold payment for printing certain duplicate checks by assistant treasurers patent heads, &c . . .. 348 in New York and San Francisco. . . .. 43 duty of, under resolution extendinv the to make detailed statement annual] Ito time for the completion of the Cairo Congress of incidental expenses ot! his and Fulton railroad 349 department 99 Secretary of t.he_Nav_y, appropriation for 97, 99 approprtattons for pay and office of.l03, 104, to accept fifty thousand dollars in settle- 295 ment of claims against the estate of to charter a vessel to convey certain pro- James C. Clapp 120 visions for distribution among the des· to sell unoccupied military site at Watertitute of the South . . 24 ford, Pennsylvania ...,. Z .. . . 39 to examine Morris Rice Evans for admis- to deliver- to Secretary of Interior certain sion to the naval academy ... 30 former reports of certain railroad comto deposit the appraised value of certain panies . 79 prize steamers taken into the naval ser- in next annual estimates, to state uncx-` vice, with assistant treasurer at Wash- pended balances of appropriations . 72 ington, D. C. ... . .. ‘ 121 may send certain accounts, Src. to court to detail the most competent engineer to of claims for trial and adjudication 77 supcrintend the construction of the but only such as could have been steamships of the United States mail commenced in said court, it, &c.. . 77 steamship line .. - ... . 229 authorized to change the names of cerauthorized to make sale of certain iron- tain vessels 81 clad vessels 247 to give to Congress annually details of to detail officers of the navy to represent receipts and expenditures lor relief of the United States at the International sick and disabled seamen 111 Maritime Exhibition at Havre 249 to issue certificates of registry or ento appoint three navy om:-ers as a com- rolment and license to certain foreignmissiun to select locations for certain built vessels 122 powder magazines ... 251, 252 certain tax to be first paid . 122 to detail officers of navy to form part of when may refund special mx ... 129 commission respecting the erection of to appoint supervisors . 144 a bridge in Boston harbor ... 256 to appoint storckeepers ... . 145 may receive at the naval academy, for to appoint gaugcrs, and prescribe reguinstruction, six persons designated by lations for exportation of spirits ... 147 the government of Japan 261 the supervisory and appellate powers as duty and} power ot] as to the appointment to Indian affairs, now vested tn, to be of midshipmen to the United States exercised hereafter by the Secretary of naval academy, . . . . 267 the Interior .. _ .. 228 to report at next I)ecember session of duty of, under the act extending the cus- Congress, the number of desks, clerks, toms laws of the Unncd States over &c. in his department .. .. 301 Alaska .. . ., 240, 241, 242 to cause the enforcement of the lien upon to adjourn sale of stock owned by the the steamship Atlantic., 345 United States in the Dismal Swamp Secretary tfthe Senate, Canal. Company ... c . .7 .. 246 to complete alphabetical list of private to appoint and lpay ahcoinmiesion on claims . ... . 118 meters for distilled spirits . _. . .246, 247 to send to certain asylums for disabled approval by, of revocation ol appointment volunteer soldiers, certain books and of receiver for karmcrs &c. Bank of public documents ... 253 Williamsburg, New York . . . .' . 249 Secretary of the Treasury, to pay commrssion {or purcliartng sue for to execute, &c. deed of government ware- buildtng for sub treasury, &c. in Boston 250 houses on Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn, m deliver to surgeon-general of the army New York . 7 certain distilled spirits . . . . , . 254 duty tif, as to commission, &c. to ascertain to issue American regtsrer to the brig r the expenses, &c. incurred by Indiana Highland Marv s .. A,. 2.>8 and Ohio in suppressing the rebellion 9, to the brig Victoria.. ... _ 2u9, 260 10 to give to certain cemeteries columns from to remit discriminating duties executed the Pennsylvania Bank hriildrng .. 262 upon merchandise imported in certain duty of, under the actlestablislnng un Hawaiian vessels ,.. 21 assay office in the Territory of Idaho. . 270, to refund certain duties paid upon steam I 271 agricultural machinery ., 23 to prescribe rules to protect the revenue to discontinue the employment of persons against fraud in the importation, &c. o to collect taxes in insurrectionary dis- maehtnery for repair only, free ofrduty. 271 tricts, when, &c . 23 to report at next December session of authority of, to reduce the currency, by Congress, the number of desks, clerks, 301 retiring, &c. notes, suspended . 43 &c. in his department ...