Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/850

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818 INDEX. Stout, Mauna, Superintendent of Public Documents, _ pension to. . -... 383 to be appointed by the Secretary of the Stoves, Heating and Cooking, Interior ... . .. _. 292 apprgpriations for, for army. .-. . . . . .. .66,317 duties, {pay, and expenses of ... 292 Struiq/tt, ahala M., rooms or, in the Department of the Inpensiont0...- ... u... 895 terior ... . . 292 Struw and Hay, Superintendent of Statistics, in the District of Columbia, when sold by repeal of law authorizing. . . . . .t. . . . . . . . 96 weight, to he sold by the net hundred. . 225 Superimendents, twenty hundred pounds to make a wu., . 225 of mechanical departments at navy yards, Sheets, Squares, Q1:. appointment of . 69 a propriation for . .117, 176, 809 Superintendents of Exports and Drawbacks, St. Tilzmas, internal revenue, appropriations for. ..99, 290 provision for exchange of correspondence Supervising Archucot of reasury, between the United States an 547 and assistant, &c. appropriations for. .97, 288 St. Vrain, Cram. See New Mexico. law authorizing, continued in force until land claims of, in New Mexico, to be ad- July 1, 1869 ... 97 justed . . . . , . . . . .275, 276, 440 Supervising Inspectors of Steamboale, Submarine Telegraph, appropriations for pay of ... .111, 301 American At antic CableTelegrapb Com- limit of amount to be received by, for pany may for twenpy years uy and travel in any year ... lll, 301 bperate on Atlantic oust, and in har- annual meeting ot, when and where to be -bors on that coast, except, Nec 10 held ... lll, 301 to commence operations in two years 10 Supervisors, government to have preference in of internal revenue, appointment of 144 use of cables . . . 10 duties and salary of ... 145 Subsistence and Forage, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, appropriations for ... . . . . . . :64, 816 jurisdiction ot} in contested elections in Substitutes, the city of Washington .. 81 claims for the refunding of the amounts right of appeal given to the, to certain de- .paid for, by certain drafted men who fendants in suits against them, as odiwere not liable to personal service or cers or agents of the govcmment for draft, to be preseutc within two years. 282 acts done during the rebellion under Sub- Trertsury, color of their omcc or employlment. 243 building for, in Boston ... . . . . . . . . . 250 may appoint warden of jail of the district 342 Suits, Supreme Cburt J the United States, against officers or agents of the govern- appropriations for expenses of ... 101, 294 ment, civil or military, not to be sus- salaries of justices of, &c. .. 109, 301 tained for acts done Hy such officers, iinal judgments in circuit courts in civil under color of their 0 ce . ... 243 actions against revenue officers may be prowctionagainst,giventosuchol1icers,&c. 243 re-examined, &c. upon writ of error, right of appeal in, given to the Supreme without regard to sum in controversy 44 Court of the United States. . . 243 act authorizing certain appeals from cirremedy given by, in court of claims in cuit courts to, repealed .. 44 cases under act relating to captured, Src. jurisdiction not to be exercised in property to be exclusive .. 243, 244 such appeals. ... 44 against persons employed in the enforce- in case of ina ility of chief justice, or of ment of the reconstruction laws, for vacancy in the office, the senior justice their officiel acts, Secretary of War to to act as chief justice . ;.. 80 employ counsel to defend . . . . 248 Sureties Sunsliades, of defaulting postmaster net to be discustoms dut upon . ... 22 charged by failure to institute suit Superintendent of, B ank Agency, against the postmaster in two years. . . 197 of Post-Oiiice Department, appointment, to be disc urged ifsuit is not brought &.c. of, authorized. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. 196 within three years . . . .. 197 Superintendent of Buildings, Surgeon- General of the Army, é' occupied by Treasury Department, to be appropriations for office of. .102, 103, 294, 295 appointed .. 311 for medical and other works for 1i- _ salary end duties of ... 311 brury of . 64, 316 Superintendent of Foreign Mails, to direct the ex (pcnditure of the appropriaappoxntment ot] authorized 196 tion for the olumbia hcspitu for woeu ary, clerks, lc. . .. ... . . 196 men and lying-in·asylum 284 appropriation for compensation of.-. . 314 for the completion of Providence Superintendent of llflitary Academy, hospital .. , 233

  • to use government labor at that post to to contract with some proper medical in-

"· aid in building wagon road from West stitution for support, &c. of transient § Point to Cornwell Landing ... . . . 168 paupers in Washington, D. C . 283, 310 Superintendent of Monry-Order System, Surgery, salary of, established .. 196 appropriations for bureau of medicine, Rec. 71, appropriation for pay of ... . ... 314 291 Supermtendent of Public Buildings, Surplus Funds, -to remove from Capitol etatuary, paint- certain unex 'ended balances ofeppropt-iaings, Sec. the property of private indi— tions for Flavy Department to be carvidua1s ... 110 riecl to .. . .. ... 72