Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1148

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1114 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH HAWAII. MAY 4, 1870. United States postage-stamps of sufficient value to effect such prepayment. _ _ _ _ On the other hand, prepaid letters from foreign countries, received m and forwarded from the United States to the Hawaiian Kingdom, shall be delivered in said kingdom free of all charges whatsoever; and letters received in the Hawaiian Kingdom from the United States, addressed to Micronesia or neighboring islands, will be forwarded to destination, subject to the same conditions as are applicable to correspondence originating in the Hawaiian Kingdom and addressed to those islands. Letters, how ARTICLH; VI. Every letter dispatched from one country to the other '*’·”'P°‘l· shall be plainly stamped with the words "pztid all," in red ink, on the right-hand upper corner of the address, in addition to the date-stamp of the otiice at which it was posted. pmt 1mm, Ae·r1ct.r: VII. Dead letters, newspapers, &c., which cannot be deliv- &°· ered, from whatever cause, shall be mutually returned, without charge, monthly, or as frequently as the regulations of the respectives offices will permit. pmgiedmgu- Anrxcta VIII. The two offices may, by mutual consent, make such $:3:8 me! ¤¤ detailed regulations as shall be found necessary to carry out the objects of ' this agreement, such regulations to terminate at any time on a reasonable notice by either office. When·tl;is Al{TICLE IX. This convention shall come into operation on the 1st day

 ¤l*¤ll of July, 1870, and shall be tcrminable at any time on a notice by either

' office of six months. Execution. Done in duplicate and signed in Washington on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1810. [sean.] JNO. A. J. CRESWELL, Postmaster- General of the United States. ELISHA H. ALLEN, Us Hazvaiian Majesty’a Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plempotentiary. Approval. I hereby approve the foregoing convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. U. . . By the President: S GRANT , Hnurrou Fran, , Secretary of State. l Wasnmoron, May 5, 1870. l [san.] i 1 1 I 1 i lt é ·t 1 l i ft i Q Q l !i ti U