Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/127

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 62, G4. 1870. 93 CHAP. LXII.-—-An Act declaring the Construction cy" “An Ac} to incogporale the Lb- April 22, 1870. tional T lzealogical Inst[tute," approved Illay tenth, eighteen hundred an szxty-Sur, rand 1866, ch, 79, also "An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘ An Act fo incorporate the Natzonal heologtcal Vol. xiv. p. 45. Institute, and to deg/ine and extend the Powers ry' the same,'" approved March second, 1867,_ch. 164· ezg/zteeu hundred and sixty-seven. VOL X"'- P- 4*0- E Wr1mReAs an act to incorporate the National Theological Institute, preamble_ l proved May ten, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and also an act to i define and extend the powers of the same, approved March second, Q eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, has [have] been misconstrued by an { attempt to remove the seat of its operations to a distant locality, in direct [Preamble re. E contravention of said acts; and whereas the following-named persons, D¤;??€· h 117

 Joseph C. Lewis, Edmund Turney, John.   Poler, Qharles H. Morse, P0sl;;_‘148_j

5 Williain T. Johnson, Lindsay Muse, `Wilham F. l\els0n, George F. ‘ 5 McLellan, Clement Robinson, George M. Condron, S. Alexander, U. H. i Hutchins, W. '1`. Wiswall, S. L. Crissey, continue to exercise their funetions as the executive committee, by the authority of said corporation at its seat of operations within the said District of Columbia, according to the intention of said acts: Now, therefore, f Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United § States of America in Ocmgress assembled, That the seat of operations of _ Seat of operathe National Theological Institute and University, incorporated under the :}°“°" of *h° L?' . . . . ional Theologiact approved May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, which act was ,,a]·I,,sqmte and amended and extended by the act of March second, eighteen hundred and U¤W>fSi;§y,¢<> be sixty-seven, shall be, and the same is hereby, located within the city of CF "'gt°°* ‘ Washington, in the District of Columbia: Provided, That nothing herein Branches may · contained shall be so construed as to prevent said corporation from estab- E1; gxfggggshed gi lishing such branches without the limits of said District as may be now `

 authorized by law.

g Approved, April 22, 1870. E

 CHAP. LXIV. —-An Act to re-define a Portion of the Boundary Line between the State of April Z8 1870.

g N€b7`dSlCG and the Territory of Dakota. y g Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Q States of America in Congress assembled, That so soon as the State of t B¤¤¤§l¤l;‘y bf-

 Nebraska, through her legislature, has given her consent thereto, the uggcgakztfs 3
 centre of the main channel of the Missouri river shall be the bounii dary line between the State of Nebraska and the Territory of Dakota,
 between the following points, to wit: Commencing at a point in the
 centre of said main channel, north of the west line of section twenty-

it four in township twenty-nine north, of range eight east of the sixth prin-

Y cipal meridian, and running along the same to a point west of the most
 northerly portion of fractional section seventeen, of township twenty-nine
 north, of range nine east of said meridian, in the State of Nebraska, as
 meandered and shown by the plats and surveys of said sections originally
 made and now on file in the general land office. _ _

g SEO. 2. And be it further enacted, That the respective jurisdictions of J“¤$d*°*i<>¤¤-

 said State and Territory (and of the United States) shall extend to and
 over all of the territory, within their limits, according to the line herein

g designated, to all intents and purposes as fully and completely as if no

 change had taken place in the channel of said Missouri river. And the
 Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and required to cause to Surveys and

g be made all necessary surveys and meanderings, and to order the trans- tmnsfefgf PMS,

 fer of all plats, papers, and documents which may be necessary in the papm’ °‘


 — Approved, April 28, 1870.

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