Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1292

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é 1258 mom; Nether/ands, The, (continued.) Meutmliiy, ii exchange of correspondence by open in the present wm', between France Bild malls . . ... 1065 the North German Confederation and V transit of closed mails through either its allies, enjoined . . 1132 country .. 1065 personas in the United States warned not · without expense. 1065 to engage therein in illegal military _ postal accounts, when to be stated, enterprises against powers at. peace

 . .  . . . .  .  1665 with the United States . .  1136  

rate for conversion of money in, to 2 Neutrality Act, bc settled by agreement. 1065 5 V appropriations for expenses under the 220, 419 official commit {cation to be Free. .. 1065 4. evadu, miss znt letters or wrongly addressed, to 1 appropriations for Indian service in,. 36, 357, , bc returned . .. 1065 ‘567 registered correspondence not deliver- i post·road= established in . 49, 73, 287, 465 anlc, to be returned . . .. 1065 · appropriations for officc of surveyor gen- Q. other ctwrespontlcncsgto be disposed of I eral in, and for surveying lnnds in. 87, 245, 3 by rcreivintr post-0 ve . 1065 293 305, 313 499 502 dcmiletl regulations to be established. . . 1065 , survey of eastern boundary of State l 305 U convention, when to take etfecl and how l lunit to price . 305 long to continue . .. . 1066 certain useless military reservations in, dutanilctl regulations for the ex- N may be sold 430, 431 ecution of the convention ol' Septcm- ew Albany Indiana V bcr 26 1867, arranged November 26, additional terms of cirt-uit_ and district " 1867 . 1067 courts of the United States to be held excianoe oth es established ... 1067 at 175 letter brills and acknowledgments of re- marshal and clerk to attend 175, 176 ceipt . 1067 not to be hclcl unless suitable count- forms of ,.. . ., 1070- 1076 rooms are provided without ex- correspondence to be divided into sepa— N H H pensc to the United States ... 176 rate packn·re.s . 1067 ewe l em· , - number of ranms how indicated, if more cdnpon {buds to be issued to, in lieu of than one .. 1067 certain lost bonds .. .. ... 676 register list .1... . 1067 N to give indemnity against original bonds. 676 form of . i.. . 1078 ew Hur:»psh¢'re, =~ . registered letters and articles .. 1067 I post-roads established in ... 287 registmtion to impose no pecuniary New Jersey, l responsibility for loss of registered post-roads established in 287, 465 l" article ... . 1067 may accept bequest of Stevens battery.. 383 3** marks or stamps on lett rs 1067, 1068 New London, list of countries with which c·orrespond— 1p}>t·opriation for naval station at ... 508 ence may be exchanged, and condi- New erica, g? tions . 1068 1080 post-roads established in . . .. 288, 469 postage due, how mat·ke•.l . . ... i 1068 appropriations for Indian service in 37, 357, correspondctice under band, notcoiform- 567 ing to conditions, to be retained . 1068 for expenses of legislative assembly letters insufficiently prepaid to be sent as of 61 wholly unpaid . ,... 1068 for territorial government in 242, 313, letters and rewistcred articles, act deliv- 486 4* erable, to be returned ... 1068 for office of surve or- enernl in 245, 293, _ _ Y S mtgsent or wrtgngly addressed letters to 489 e returned, c ... . 1068 {br surveys of public lands in . ..304, 489 letter hill Gtr closed mails . 1068 salaries of chiefjnsticcs and assistant jus- _ accounts between the two othees to be tices in, established . . ... 152 _ established on the respective letter up ropriation therefor . 313 if bills, &c z . 1068 law of Il‘erritnry of, imposing a cnpitation , ° to be paid in gold, in the money of tax on certain bovine cattle, repealed. 44 = the creditor office .. 1069 a certain portion of a statute ot} tltclarcd ,r th: dollar to equal two and forty- void .. 278 is two hundredths guilders 1068 l homestead in, to the value of$ 1,000, ex- ‘ the cent to equal two and a half empt from levy &c . 278 ' centimes ... . . . . . . . . . . . 1068 premises ma); be sold, tf worth more qutrterly accounts to be based on what, than $1.000 . . ..278, 279 '· and how arranged. ... , 1069 not to be sold unless over $1,000 forms ot" . .. 1081 1089 is bid ... . . 279 Hlllttllded article! of detailed regu-, certain settlers in, entitled to rights of lations for the execution of the postal pre-emption or homestead, ts have fur- 3; convention with ... 1093 ther time forjiling declaratory state- accounts hetween the two offices, how to ments or making entry .. 373 be established . 1093 certain useless military reservations in, I equivalent of the dollar in the ac- N Ornay be sold . 430, 431 counts 1093 ew sans ot' the cent .. 1093 provisions of act allowing entry of goods ’ ·: accounts to be aid in the old coin of or immediate trans rtation extended , P S P° 2., the creditor office ... 1093 to the port of ... 270, 271
