Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1333

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INDEX. 1299 Supreme Courts of Territories, _ Susanville Land District jurisdiction in bankruggoy mothers con· established in Celiizoruie . . . 409 S mferred upon, how to cxerc1•od...173, 174 bounderiesdand location of otllce .,,. 409 W9 _ _ register an receive , thei resid u may be appcmted to supervise the marine pay .. . . . . . 409 hosiiital seryice . . ... 170 appropriation for'sa.lm·y, &c. of. 518 his sa sry, duties, monthly reports .. 170 Susquehanna Rwzr, psy 05 established . 880, 831 appropriation to deepen the waters at the Surgeon- Genera}, mouth of the. . .. . . . . . . . 227 nppropnntugns for odicc of . .247, 491, 492 Swiss Cor{ederation, or c cr s . . .. .. ... 247 491 sts convention `th, f O t b ll appropriations for medical and other works pol 867 ... . . . F Er. . . 1031 for library of _.: .. 315, 523 correspondence to be exchanged l03i chief of bureau of medicine and surgery to embrace what .. l03i to have title of . . ... 587 offices for exchange •l` mails in each Surgeons, Navy, country ... . . . . . . .. . . . .1031 number, rank, and pay of . . 535 arrangements for despatch of mails . 1031 Survey. See Sureeys. cost of transportation . 1031 Surveying Expeditions, weight for single rate of international appropriations_ for preservation of the postage, and rule of progression. . L . . .1031 collections cf. ... 294, 500 rates of postage . l03i, 1082 Surveyor- General, prepayment optional on ordinary letters . . 1032 authorized for Wyoming ... 65 required on registered letters and office, psy, {powers, _&c . ,. .' . . . . . 65 other mail matter ... _ 1032 authorized or Territory of Arizona . 230 proceedings when postages are unpaid, or Surveyor of Cusbonw, not sufficiently paid.. . . .. r . . .1032 authorized at Vallejo, California 182 reeistered correspondence to pay register oliice ot, at Vallejo, Cal., abolished. 598 ee m addition .. I ... 1032 to be appointed at Omaha., Nebraska 190 when correspondence may be registered. .1032 authorized at St. Jzoseph, M0. ... 229 basis for settlement of ·ncconnts_ . . . .1032 residence, duties, pay _ .. 229 regulations for despatch of mail znatter, at Du Luth, Minnesota 230 other than ordinary, and l‘0glS(€l€·d residence, duties, pay. . 230 letters. . .. I . . .: . : 1032 authorized at Kansas City, M0 . 278 not to be closed against inspection. .1032 at Hcusttm, Tex . . 278 not commu any written commumca- Surveg;0rs-Gennvul, I tion, except, &c . _ . .1 . . maximum psy ot} established .. . 25l no; to elzéccghtgrxcigezn cngt , c..108 gmeing · · 1 · . ... 2 Surveyors-G ‘ ‘ and thm Ugh, f iw e0' cugoms dnt, if nn . .. 1032 approprumons for, and for offices c , 0 p y y, yi,. . . . Arizona ... 87, 245, 488, 499 exchange of correspondence y open California. . 87, 245, 488, 499 mails . ... .1982, 1033 Colorado . 245, 488, 499 transit of closed mails through either Dakota . 87 245, 488, 499 country . _ .. . ... 1033 Floridal . 87; 245, 487, 498 rates of postage therefor ... 1038 Idaho . . . . 245, 488, 499 postal accounts, when to be stated, &c.l;él03 Iowa .. 245, 488, 499 rate for conversion of money to 1038 Kansas ... 87. 245, 488, 499 agreed uponl ._  :. ... was `. 87 244, 487 498 transfer of closed rnmls, without expense. iillinlrietggu .. l0, 12, 87; 245, 487; 498 official communications to bg free. . . 11038 Montana. 87 245, 488, 499 rmssent letters and registerc corresp Nebraska. ,.245, 488, 499 ence to be returned ... _ .. 1033 Nevada. ,· ,,,,.,,,., S7, 245, 488, 499 otherbcorgpondenlcg ‘t&';e dxsiooscdmas ‘ . ., 88,499 _1`GOBl

   . 245, 488, 499 detailed iegultmons tonne csgN1l€:sgegHé`;l033

Utah . .,. 245, 488, 499 when tluscomicxmon cse e , · 1033 Washington. .. . . . .245, 488, 499 long to continue. . . .  : . hxé · 3 \II(\ti0I\S for the exccu l0 0 Slave S Wyoming 245, 48 , 499 ttgnvcntion of Ocmber 1;,1867, Pgmcdwss I .•••••••.•,¤• 0% ¤·m** °’ °‘“"‘§‘j,"““‘·“°“‘ °' ****2 in ¤2§§3;.E'§§li’§££l€€ai§€Sd ..,. 9 was mg e(;tjn¤·,r€,p€8c ...:. _ t fm_ depogits madc by settlers for public sur· letter lnlls and acktioivisqglilfil T I JOM vcys,t0g0forpart paymentoflsndm. 582 cern snxf .. ······..n‘.103S'l045 for miliwry ¤¤f<=¤¤<=S» ¤r1¤¤>r>·‘i¤¤°¤S *’°’· 22* °"“§ ,,5;; {bg aimed mm wpfor improvements on nqrth and northwest- corrgsgonagkagcsl . . . · l . l · · · I I lr l · · · .1035 Gm hikes {md mms. U U • .226, 300, 507 uufglber Iof rates how indicated, if more on Atlantic and PBC15C coasts .. 226 » _ . _·_ ______ _ _ J035 at various places... , ... 226,227 tlrsn-can; ... i appropriations for geographical, west of regnttsim t I- rl0n, 1048 the Mississippi river., ... . . - ···· · 308 receipt of régismmd articles to be M_ Survqs and EIa’nln?tion;’y -mpfQV3mQnt$ ()¤ kh0WlBdgEd. . . . . s . q - • • •·• • • n · · • ··· · n ro riati0¤8 Ol', 0 I · · ‘ gg any pecl1I1I8i')' Ptghe Psea-coast, and lakes, and rivers. .5::; Ngggggggigg; gr!;? of mgimmd ,,.1035 . . ticle .. . . . . . . . r . for military defenees544