Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/166

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132 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 108. 1870. I¤¤P¤>V°· rooms, with the necessary registers. Light wells above corridors. All the m°°°°' details required for the successful execution of the work to be provided for and done, such as plumbing and gasfitting, fully equal to that specitlcd before. C. Wing along Ninth Street,—Tl1is wing will be laid out similar to that on Seventh Street, to which reference is made, therefore, for the construction of foundations, walls, floors, and roofi But the width of this wing will be eighty feet outside measure. The first story of this building will be appropriated again for market stalls, and all the appointments made for the Seventh Street wing will therefore be also applicable for this wing. The second story of this wing will be reached by wide and comnnodious iron stairs at both ends, and will be appropriated in tote for a grand hall, with surrounding galleries and extra height, so us to be useful for conventions and other extraordinary occasions of national importance. All the necessary dressing and retiring rooms, and watenclosets are amply provided. The galleries to be supported by ornamental brackets of cast and wrought iron, firmly secured and anchored through the whole thickness of outside walls. Floor of narrowest North Carolina yellow-pine, to be waxed. Heavy and wide doors will open outward. Heavy trimmings for windows and doors, coved and pnnelcd; ornamental ceiling,with perforated largest-sized rosettesiabove the chandeliers, arranged so as to discharge the foul air into large ventiducts reaching above rooll This hall to be heated by steam like the other buildings. C. Market shed on south front. —- Along the south front of the square, and connecting the two wings on Seventh and Ninth streets, there will be built a one-story market shed, sixty feet in width, and in style as marked out in the sectional drawings and ground plans. This shed will be erected on a sufficient foundation, and will be supported by cast-iron columns, carrying a neat and appropriately designed, plancd, open roof construction. The drainage will be so regulated us to afford fhcilities for keeping live fish in basins during the hot season. The south side of this shed between the iron columns will be enclosed by a light brick-base wall, seven feet in height, and wide stationary blinds above. All the exposed iron, tin, and woodwork, inside and outside, to be well painted in threecoat work and tints, as will be directed by the architect. Roof to he covered by best bright roofing, tin on felt, laid upon a tongued and grooved planted narrow sheathing. Down-spouts and surface drainage to be connected with sewer. D. Alley. -—-Along the south frontof the principal building on the avenue (described under head A) there will be a paved alley twenty feet in width, with covered entrance and exit for wagons on Seventh and Ninth streets. The covered part to be paved with wood, and the open part to be paved with wood or paving stone, as will be found most suitable. E. Additional market she<ls.——Al0ng the southern line of the alley, and parallel with the main building, also against the inner walls of the wings on Seventh and Ninth streets, and in a manner so as to surround the hollow square formed by the improvements previously described, and as laid down distinctly and well defined on ground plan and sectional drawings, there will be built market stands in style, substance, and finish similar- to that described for southern Front (under head C). These struc— tures being lower than the market halls under the main roofs, abundant space is left for head-lights above the light roofs of the sheds, through which to pass light and air into these closed market halls. All these sheds have brick floors. F. Court-yard. -—The court-yard will be paved with wood, by either one of the bcst-tested or most approved systems, in best manner, and with a due fall, so as to afford an easy surface drainage. At the most convenient. place in center of court-yard there will be constructed an orna-