Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/176

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142 FORTY-—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 114. 1870. ,$£*¤G¤§t¢;•a¤*‘¤ Sec. 8. And be is jimlaer enacted, That the district courts of the gms, ,;l,,_,° United States, within their respective districts, shall have, exclusively of 'urisdiction of the courts of the several States, co nizanee of all crimes and offences JK • . . . g » . fh;“:°°: committed against the provisions of this act, and also, concurrently with nv, of gm, the circuit courts of the United States, of all causes, civil and crnnmal, courts. turd con- artsmtr under this uct, except as herein otherwise provided, and the Juriscurrently with - · ° - · · · m°c,md,w,u"_ diction hereby conferred shall be exercised m confornltty with the laws Certain palms- and practice governing United States courts; and all crimes and ottences

 RSX committed against t.he ·provisions of this act'muy he prosecuted by the

Others by iudmf indictment of u grand Jury, or, in cases ot crimes and ofllmees not mfg. ment ot·`infor— mous. the prosecution may be either by indictment or information tiled by m“°i°"‘ the district nttorncy in n court having jurisdiction. Speciulpmvis- Sec. 9. And be ftfiu·thm· mac/cd, '1`luxt the district attorneys, marshals, |0¤§ Y0? ¥>\‘0¤¤- uml deputy nmrslmls of ilu: United Slttttfs, the C0mmlSSlOl'l0l'S €lpp0ll'li€tl °lm"g·° l pm;' b Y the circuit und territorinl courts of the United States, with otvers of sons vtoluunt, D _ _ _ _ P _ this uct. arresting. nnprtsomng, or butltng oflendcrs ugmnst the laws of the United States, und every other olliuer who muy be speciully empowered by the President of the United States, shall be, and they are hereby, specially authorized und required, nt the expense of the United States, to institute proceedings against ull and every person who shall violate the provisions of this uct, and cause him or them to be arrested und imprisoned, gr hailed, us the erase may be,} lor triul `l)t*lt)l'8fS;1Cll ppurt of Xiei Upped tn es or terruorut court us ns cogmznnce o tic 0 cnse. n wu n Number of view to utl`ord reasonable protection to all persons in their constitutional

 right to vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of

m-.·m,,;,,tc,,m·;, servitude, and to the prompt discharge of the duties ot this act, it shall W l>*¢*¤¢*°¤¤<=<li be the duty of the circuit courts of the United States, and the superior courts of the Territories of the United States, from time to time to . . . . ’ mort-nse the number of comnussiont·rs,`s0 to aflord rt speedy and, convenient menus for the nrrest and exnmmntton of iersons chartrcd with st . . . . . I ¤ . their powers vtoltltmn of this uct; tmtl such t·0mmtsst0n(·t‘s ure ltcruhy :1uIh01‘1zCd tmtl ""l d‘“‘°*· required to exercise and thsclinrge all the powers and duties conferred on them by this ncl, and the same duties with regard to offences created by this act us they are authorized by lnw to exercise with regard to other ofli-nces ng:•in—t the laws of the United States. d Mnrshnls and Sue. 10. And be it f}n·t/mr enacted. That it shall be the duty of all c3l€;‘::§“v}3l_fx"` mtu·sl1:tls and deputy nmrshnls to obey stud execute all warrants and rum;' gw, precepts issued under the provisions of this not, when to them directed; mA:::;¤l;.;r'r';*‘ and should any nnarshal or deputy marshal refuse to receive such warrant $,,,0 w,,,,m,,_0, ;;é1;ln;:t·Lpi·oce:ss wlien lteutlered, or_to,use fill pyopernmeians diligently tfo tu mp; oem- u .e te some, ie s in ,on conviction thereo , e ne m t c sum 0 f‘{f‘°"·‘l‘l'8°“°' one thou—uud dollars, to the use of the person deprived of the rights ' Cgmminiuq. C0¤l`crr<-:tl by this uct. And the better to cunhle the said c0mmisBl0¤el‘S git1hr1w5g2t?;;:; to execute their duties hiithfnlly uml efficiently, in conformity with the wcxwum Pm_ Ctiflstltutton of the United States and the rt·quirt·ments of tlns act, they cess; Mc hcrcby authorized and empowered, within their districts respectively, to Hppcmi., in writing, under their hands, any one or more suitable persons, troin time to time, to execute all such wurmnts and other process as may be issued by them in the lawful performance of their respective authority of duties, and the persons so appointed to execute any warrant or process such pcrsonsto { ’d | u l . { .‘ » — ·' h muupon by_ 85 aoresat sm rave aut tottty to summon and cull to their and t G ,,;,,9,;,,,-s,,,;;,,, hystnnders or posse comitntus of the proper county, or such portion ot" gxgd News the lnnd or naval forces of the United Stntes, or of the militia, sts may be ' necessary to the performance of the duty with which they are charged, and to insure at faitltful observance of the fifteenth amendment to the Wammtsmey Constitution of the United States; and such wtttrunts shall run and be

j,fx’{;‘i‘,:;°gmm cgecuted by said officers anywhere in the State or 'ferrimry within which

' they are issued. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, Thu! any person who shall kn0w·