Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/334

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300 FOR'I`Y—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 292. 1870. L°¤V°¤"°¥ll¤· For Leavenworth arsenal, for repairs of building, streets, and walks, one thousand dollars. SM1 A¤*<>¤l°· `For San Antonio arsenal, for repairs of officers' quarters, office, and painting fences and roofs, five hundred dollars: Vancouver. For Vancouver arsenal, for repairs of buildings, fences, and walks, five hundred dollars. W•t¤rvii¤t· For Watervliet arsenal, to complete the old wharf to the prescribed wharf line and connect it with the new work, and to complete the filling in behind the new wharf; ten thousand dollars; and for removing and replacing the present overshot water-wheel by a turbine, two thousand five hundred dollars; and for flooring in new shop for wood machine, fourhundred dollars. Watertown. For Watertown arsenal, for repairs at the post, three thousand dollars. Contingencies. For contingencies at all the arsenals, five thousand dollars. Silrrvey oti For the survey of northern and northwestern lakes, one hundred thou- ”°"* °"' ’·” sand dollars. Y:,::EKg:Kig,,,,_ For continuing the construction of Rock Island bridge, three hundred hook Island thousand dollars. b"dg°‘ For examinations and surveys on western and northwestern rivers, fifty thousand dollars. Public works Public Works in and around Washington.-- For repairs, care, and im- Qglgngzlzd provement of public buildings, grounds, and works in the District of Cog,,,,,,;,.,,, gw_ lumbia, under the direction of the chief engineer of the army, viz. : -— ¤¤<i¤q direction For casual repairs of the navy yard and upper bridges sixteen thou- °' °*"°‘ °¤¤*· sand five hundred dollars ’ DCC!'. ' Bridges. _ For fuel for the Presidents house, five thousand dollars. h0l;:g“'d°“"° For repairs and refurmshing the Presideut’s house, fifteen thousand ' dollars. Publiesqpares For public reservation number two and Lafayette Square, two thousand md g"°““ ‘ dollars. Fo; cure and improvement of grounds south of the Presideut’s house, two tiousand dollars. snow and ice. h Iipr (pemqving snow and ice from pavements and public walks, tive un re dollars. B Fpr uganqrg, and hauling the same to public grounds and reservations, ve inn re ollars. Reservations. Flor improvement and care of reservations on New York, Pennsylvania,!}/Iarylland, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, and other avenues, tiree tiousund dollars. lronfe¤oes,&:c. gi;} paigng iron fences around Lafayette Square, in front of War an ary epartments, and Judiciary Square, three thousand dollars. For xuclosing, paving, and improving the circle at the intersection of Yermorp audi piassacbusetts avenues, eleven thousand one hundred and wen y- our o lars. For an iron fence, and paving and improving around Franklin Square, twenty-five thousand dollars. h Prpeidenvs For annual repairs. and repainting the exterior of the Presidei1t’s °“° ‘ hoiipe, ten thousand dollars. or flower-pots, mats. and twine one thousand dollars. For fuel for contre building of the Capitol, five hundred dollars. S Ventilation et For enlarging the shafts of escape for the impure air of the Senate °¤¤*° ¤h¤¤¤b°¤‘- chamber, two thousand five hundred dollars. rgxpe for propagating house for the use of the public grounds, under the 8 · public gardener, three thousand dollars. For hire of carts on public grounds, three thousand dollars. d Fogcppre ot; thrcf pers? aréd plaiéts in the public grounds, fifty cents per ay a i iona eac , ve un re ollars. dopor purchase and repair of tools for public grounds, one thousand ars.