Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/397

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 296, 297, 298,299. 1870. 363 United States agreed to furnish them by the second article of the treaty Md Erm mms of January eleven, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and which were only ifxgg gag; tg`}" in part fixmished, twenty thousand dollars ; and as compensation for the treaty;_ sew and grist millfsc} which the United States agreed by said treaty to V°1·“‘· P· 576· maintain for them fifteen years, and which were only maintained five years, ten thousand dollars; which sums shall be expended, under the howtobe direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the following manner: °Xp°”d°d·, ,

 . . . . [For additional

twelve thousand dollars m erecting agency buildings, a warehouse, and secticmw, blacksmitifs dwellings, and 2. blacksmith shop, and the remaining eighteen 1871,ch.120,§2· thousand dollars in the erection of 2. sch0ol—housc and church, and a saw Pom p' 5m' and grist mill at their new home in the Indian Territory. Armovco, July 15, 1870. CHAP. CCXCVII. —-An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act granting Lands to the July 15, 1870, State of Oregon to aid zn the Construction of a military Wagon Road from Albany, Oregon, to the eastern Boundary ofsazd State." VOL kim P 8,% Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatives of the United . States of America in Congress assembled, That an act entitled "Au act Route of eergmming lands to the State of Oregon to aid in the construction of a miii- taifgvilimry tary road from Albany, Oregon, to the eastern boundary of said State," {gab;} Ov;;§,°€f be amended so as to strike out the words " by way of Canyon City," in Camp Iiiaruey. the first section of said act, and insert instead thereof the words “ by way of Camp Harney? Approved, July 15, 1870. CHAP. QCXCVIIL—An Act to provide {or the_C0mpensaticm of grand and petit July 15, lg-;0_ Jurors an the Czrcuzt and Dzstrzct Courts ¢y” the United States, and for other Purposes. ****1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafterthe grand and Pay and travel petit jurors in the several circuit and district courts of the United States °;§fE"°}_ “”‘i shall each receive for his services the sum of three dollars per day for gm each day’s actual attendance at court, and for the time necessarily occu- district courts pied in going to and returning from the same ; and the sum of five cents g23; U°‘t"d por mile for the distance necessarily travelled from their residence in going to and returning from said court by the shortest practicable route. Sec. 2. And be it furtfzerenacted, That 110 person shall be summoned hmm MMO as a juror in any circuit or district court more than once in two years, be summoned and it shall be suHicient cause of challenge to any juror called to be °*`*¤€¤` 2*****1 sworn in any cause that he has been summoned and attended said court gggistu w° as a juror at any term of said court held within two years prior to the time of such challenge. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the act of Congress, approved Rgpgalcf gots March three, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled “An act concern- ¥i9,_¤h· 118-3 ing the selection of jurors in certain courts of the United States," and 1g4;21°;h}?’.fo ' the act of Congress, approved March nineteen, eighteen hundred and Ve1.v. p. 471. forty-two, entitled "An act supplementary to an act entitled ‘A¤ act to xg03E?- 6] amend the act approved May thirteen, eighteen hundred, entitled An act V01_’ii_]g_ 8g_ to amend an act entitled an act: to amend an act entitled an act to estab- 1789,c1g. 20,929. lish the judicial courts of the United States} " be, and the same are here- bm repealed- repeated, Approved, July 15, 1870. Pt}\;di2?.ég;. 2. CHAP. CCXCIX. — An Ae: relating to the State ty Georgia. July 15, 1870, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of Georgia _St¤ti<>f georhnving complied with the reconstruction acts, and the fourteenth and €3c?€OTfPr§P'