Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/405

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F ORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rus. 23, 26, 28, 29, 30. 1870. 371 the act “ to supply dcficicnci0s," approved April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, shall be applicable to the payment of the per diem and mileage, of the members of the territorial assembly of said Territory which mat during the month of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and of the incidental expenses of said session. APPROVED, March 18, 1870. [No. 26.] Josh! Rcsohuicm gbqnting Gyn; to the Nacional Asylum fn- March 23, 1870. Be it resolved Q2; the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unitea Smms of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be C°¤d°¤¤°d authorized to turn over to the managers of the National Asylum for Dis- §fQ'§0§;1"}k;(;f° abled Volunteer Soldiers at Dayton, Ohio, such number of condemned lum,&¤. av iron or bronze guns on hand, unfit for army purposes, as may be desired D°·Y°°"· 0* and sufficicnt for ornamentation of the cemetery and soldiers’ monument at that institution. Approved, March 23, 1870. [No. 28.] A. Resolution to transfer an Appropriation for the public Printing. March 24, 1870. Resolved by the Senate and House of Represenlatives of the United States of America- in Congress assembkd, That the Secretary of the Appropriation Treasury be authorized and directed to transfer from the paper fund, Y°' Publi? P*';*·‘ under " appropriations for printing and binding for the year one thousand 1T’¥g3°;h?r{;°f eight hundred and sixty-ninc,” as follows: For public printing, ninety V0!-xw p·96- thousand dollars ; for public binding, sixty thousand dollars. gg2N;;;' Approved, March 24, 1870.` ` [N0. 29.] Joint Resolutobn in Relalioq to the Canstructabn of the Rock Island Bridge. March 25, 1870. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Represenlatives aj` the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in the construction of the Bf5g2km12ga5g_ bridge heretofore a.uthorizod,by Congress, across the Mississippi river, spructed for _ between Rock Island and the city of Davenport, the Secretary of War :)*£*·””·°k *’°*1‘ shall have power to construct the same for a single-track railroad only, Wggon md, and to place the wagon road below the railroad track, as recommended by whqr<-=_pl¤c¤d- the chief of engineers: Provided, That in no case shall the expenditure P8;“3‘§Qfrgf°" on the part: of the United States exceed one million dollars. 1861,_¤b. 170. Am·1z0vm>, March 25, 1870. g3};.?;' Rfgf): ’""""' Vol. xv. p. 258. . .' ‘ the o ess at the Death o Ma`m··· · _ [N0 30] Jcmt Resolutum agmw Ge0ggm§?l;%0{L'“Cjongr f J April 5, 1870 Be it resolved ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sfates of America in Congress assembled, That the Scuatc and House of Resolution in Representatives have heard with deep regret of the sudden dcceasqof $’;l‘;;1f’;;¥.°Maj_ Major-General George H. Thomas, endeared to the country by a series 0,-.q6m,m; . of unbroken, patriotic services during s, period of thirty years. _ fI?§g§;sH· Sec. 2. And 6e it further resolved, That his distinguished carefar m the ' defence of his country against foreign and domestic cucmms, hg nevgrfaltcring faith and zeal in the maintenance of cho Union and the mtegnty of the government, and his stern execution of every trust coniidcd to him, constitute a record in life made memorable in deqh. Sm. 3. Ami be it further resolved, That the Pres1dentof the Senate and the Speaker of the House are hereby authorized to make such arran cments in connection with his obsequics as will attest the sympathy of gongress at this national bereavement. APPROVED, April 5, 1870.